
Provisional Data of Yves Tanguy's Drawing Works (6) 1950s, Date Unknown

Reference Bibliography

Catalogue Raisonné
·           S: Pierre Matisse, Kay Sage (eds.), Yves Tanguy: Un recueil de ses œuvres / A Summary of His Works, Pierre Matisse, New York, 1963.

·           AB: André Breton (ed.), Yves Tanguy, Pierre Matisse, New York, 1946.
·           JS: James Thrall Soby (ed.), Yves Tanguy (exh.cat.)The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1955.
·           GD: Exhibition of Gouaches and Drawings by Yves Tanguy, Pierre Matisse Gallery, 1963, unpagenated.
·           DM: Daniel Marchesseau, Yves Tanguy, Filipacchi, Paris, 1973.
·           PW: Patrick Waldberg, Yves Tanguy, André de Rache, Bruxelle, 1977.
·           KS: Katharina Schmidt (ed.), Yves Tanguy (exh.cat.), Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, Prestel-Verlag München, 1982.
·           TP: Patrick Waldberg, Tanguy: Peintures, LAutre Musée, 1984.
·           RP: Yves Tanguy: Rétrospective 1925-1955 (exh.cat.), Musée national d’art moderne, Centre Geoges Pompidou, Paris, 1982.
·           DA: Dawn Ades (ed.), Surrealist Art, the Lindy and Edwin Bergman Collection, the Art Institute of Chicago, Thames and Hudson, 1997.
·           VI: Victòria Izquierdo (ed.), Klee, Tanguy, Miró. Drei Annäherungen an die Landshaft (exh.cat.), Palais Liechtenstein, Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna, 2000.
·           RB: René Le Bihan, Renée Mabin, Martica Sawin, Yves Tanguy, Palantines, Quimper, 2001.
·           KM: Karin von Maur (ed.), John Brownjohn, John S. Southard (tr.), Yves Tanguy and Surrealism (exh.cat.)The Menil Collection (Houston), Hatje Canz, Ostfildern-Ruit, 2001.
·           GM: René le Bihan et al., Yves Tanguy (exh.cat.), Galerie Daniel Malingue, Paris, 15 mai-12 juillet 2002.
·           AC: André Cariou (ed.), Yves Tanguy: L’univers surréaliste (exh.cat.)Musée des beaux-arts, Quimper, Somogy, Paris, 2007.
·           SD: Susan Davidson (ed.), Tanguy Calder: Between Surrealism and Abstraction (exh.cat.)L&M Arts, 2010.
·           KY: Double Solitaire: The Surreal Worlds of Kay Sage and Yves Tanguy, Katonah Museum of Art, Katonah, The Mint Museum Charlotte, North Carolina, 2011.


01, 51 x 37, 5, S14-15 (color plate); GD unpagenated.

02, Watercolor, Collage, 34,2 x 30,2, Collection David Ilya and Daria Brandt, New York, AC204.


01, "To Jane," 35 x 28, Private Collection, AC204.


01, 56 x 71, Private Collection, AC208; GM92-93; KM169, 238; VI125, 166; RP152-153; KS243, 260; GD unpagenated.

02, 55,9 x 68,6, Private Collection, AC209; GD unpagenated: JS61.


01, Composition, 44 x 40,3, Private Collection, GM90-91; KM167, 238.


01, Couple, 35,3 x 28, Private Collection, AC211.

02, 19 3/4 x 25 3/4,  GD unpagenated.

03, 22 1/4 x 28 1/8 in., Collection Mrs. Yves Tanguy, Woodbury Conn., JS65.

04, 22 1/4 x 28 1/8 in., GD unpagenated; JS62.

*Date Unknown

01, 31 x 23

02, 26 x 22,2, VI87, 166.

03, 31 x 23, DM54.

04, 30,2 x 28,6, VI99, 166.

05, 32,4 x 28,6, VI86, 166.

06, PW10.

Provisional Data of Yves Tanguy's Drawing Works (5) 1940s

Reference Bibliography

Catalogue Raisonné
·           S: Pierre Matisse, Kay Sage (eds.), Yves Tanguy: Un recueil de ses œuvres / A Summary of His Works, Pierre Matisse, New York, 1963.

·           AB: André Breton (ed.), Yves Tanguy, Pierre Matisse, New York, 1946.
·           JS: James Thrall Soby (ed.), Yves Tanguy (exh.cat.)The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1955.
·           GD: Exhibition of Gouaches and Drawings by Yves Tanguy, Pierre Matisse Gallery, 1963, unpagenated.
·           DM: Daniel Marchesseau, Yves Tanguy, Filipacchi, Paris, 1973.
·           PW: Patrick Waldberg, Yves Tanguy, André de Rache, Bruxelle, 1977.
·           KS: Katharina Schmidt (ed.), Yves Tanguy (exh.cat.), Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, Prestel-Verlag München, 1982.
·           TP: Patrick Waldberg, Tanguy: Peintures, LAutre Musée, 1984.
·           RP: Yves Tanguy: Rétrospective 1925-1955 (exh.cat.), Musée national d’art moderne, Centre Geoges Pompidou, Paris, 1982.
·           DA: Dawn Ades (ed.), Surrealist Art, the Lindy and Edwin Bergman Collection, the Art Institute of Chicago, Thames and Hudson, 1997.
·           VI: Victòria Izquierdo (ed.), Klee, Tanguy, Miró. Drei Annäherungen an die Landshaft (exh.cat.), Palais Liechtenstein, Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna, 2000.
·           RB: René Le Bihan, Renée Mabin, Martica Sawin, Yves Tanguy, Palantines, Quimper, 2001.
·           KM: Karin von Maur (ed.), John Brownjohn, John S. Southard (tr.), Yves Tanguy and Surrealism (exh.cat.)The Menil Collection (Houston), Hatje Canz, Ostfildern-Ruit, 2001.
·           GM: René le Bihan et al., Yves Tanguy (exh.cat.), Galerie Daniel Malingue, Paris, 15 mai-12 juillet 2002.
·           AC: André Cariou (ed.), Yves Tanguy: L’univers surréaliste (exh.cat.)Musée des beaux-arts, Quimper, Somogy, Paris, 2007.
·           SD: Susan Davidson (ed.), Tanguy Calder: Between Surrealism and Abstraction (exh.cat.)L&M Arts, 2010.
·           KY: Double Solitaire: The Surreal Worlds of Kay Sage and Yves Tanguy, Katonah Museum of Art, Katonah, The Mint Museum Charlotte, North Carolina, 2011.


01, for Pierre Mabille, "LE MIROIR DU MERVEILLEUX."

02, Cahiers des dessins, le 24 mars, 1940 (Notebook of drawings, March 24, 1940), 6 x 4, Estate of Mrs. Yves Tanguy, S29.


01, 30,5 x 24,5, Birger Raven-Skov, CHarlottenland, Denmark, KM160-161, 237.


01, for André Breton, "VOLIERE," AC179.

02, for André Breton, "VOLIERE."

03, for André Breton, "VOLIERE,"

04, for André Breton, "VOLIERE," AC179. 

05, 28 x 21,3, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, RP128-129; KS236, 259.

06, for André Breton, "VOLIERE,"

07, for André Breton, "VOLIERE,"

08, for André Breton, "VOLIERE,"

09, for André Breton, "VOLIERE," DM61.


01, Untitled (Le Grand nacré au seuil de la nuit), 32 x 24,4, The Museum of Modern Art, 1942, RP135; KS238, 259; AB60.

02, for "VIEW," 31,2 x 24,3, RP133; KS234, 259.

03, for "VIEW," 31,4 x 23,8, RP132-133; KS234, 259.

04, for "VIEW," 30,7 x 24, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, KM160-161, 237; KS235, 259.

05, "A Julien," 40,4 x 30,3, Private Collection. 

06, 30,5 x 23,5, VI108, 166; GD unpagenated.

07, "POUR JHON GOODWYN," 36,8 x 32,7, Private Collection, AC179; GM84-85; KM165, 237; VI110, 166; RP138; KS240, 260; GD unpagenated.

08, 25,2 x 21,2, The Museum of Modern Art, RP136; KS237, 259.

09, 10 x 30,3, The Museum of Modern Art, RP136; KS233, 259.

09, for "VIEW" vol.2, no.2, unpagenated.

10, for "VIEW" vol.2, no.2, unpagenated.

11, for "VIEW" vol.2, no.2, unpagenated.

12, for "VIEW" vol.2, no.2, unpagenated.


01, Untitled or Avoir voulu (Wanted), for "VIEW" 38 x 23,5, for Charles Henri Ford, "POEMES FOR PAINTERS,"
Collection David Ilya and Daria Brandt, New York, AC187; RP216; PW301-302; S210.

02, 42 x 35,3, Private Collection, GM86-87; KM165, 237; VI112, 166; RP30; KS241, 260; S30-31.

03, 34 x 24,4, VI113, 166; Privte Collection, New York, RP138; KS240, 260; GD unpagenated.


01, PW332.


01, 30 x 22,5, Private Collection, Turin, Courtesy of Galerie 1900-2000, Paris, KM163, 237; PW329.


01, For André Breton, "YVES TANGUY," 28,5 x 23, Private Collection, AC181.

02, 5,5 x 54, Private Collection, AC187.

03, 30,4 x 22,7, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, RP138; KS240, 260.

04, 10 5/8 x 10 1/2, GD unpagenated.

05, for Exhibition, S195.

06, 20 x 14 3/4 in., GD unpaginated.

07, for Jean-Pierre Dieterlin, "MUSIQUE POUR ILLUSTRER DES DESSIN DE YVES TANGUY," "VRILLE" no.1, p.78.

08, for Jean-Pierre Dieterlin, "MUSIQUE POUR ILLUSTRER DES DESSIN DE YVES TANGUY," "VRILLE" no.1, p.79.

09, for Jean-Pierre Dieterlin, "MUSIQUE POUR ILLUSTRER DES DESSIN DE YVES TANGUY," "VRILLE" no.1, p.80.


01, 19,1 x 15,9, VI120, 166; AB12.

02, AB14.

03, AB15

04, AB15.

05, AB16.

06, AB16.

07, AB19.

08, AB27.

09, AB37.

10, 28,6 x 21,6, VI100, 166; AB44.

11, AB46.

12, AB54.

13, AB61.

14, AB62.

15, AB62.

16, AB67.

17, AB75.

18, AB83.

19, RP232; AB85.

20, 28,6 x 21,2, VI101, 166; RP232; AB86.

21, RP232; AB89.


01, PW11.

02, for Anna Balakian, "LITERARY ORIGINS OF SURREALISME," PW304; S212.

03, 44,5 x 28,7, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, RP144-145; KS240, 260.

04, for Benjamin Péret, "FEU CENTRAL," PW303.

05, for Benjamin Péret, "FEU CENTRAL," PW303.


01, 45,5 x 30,2, VI124, 166.

02, Construction Fantasique (Fantasic Construction), 50,5 x 37,5, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1949, AC202; GD unpagenated.

03, Yves Tanguy and Kay Sage dans leur studio (Yves Tanguy and Kay Sage in their studio), 54,6 x 69,8, Private Collection, AC203. 

04, 50,4 x 37,3, The Museum of Modern Art, RP146-147; KS242, 260; JS57.

05, 20 x  14 3/4 in., GD unpagenated.

06, 19 7/8 x  14 3/4, GD unpagenated.

07, 22 1/8 x  28 1/4 in., GD unpagenated.

08, 22 x 28 1/4 in., GD unpagenated.

09, 18 x 12 in., GD unapagenated.

10, 18 1/2 x 12 1/4, GD unpagenated.

11, 20 x 14 3/4 in., GD unpagenated.

12, 20 x 14 3/4, GD unpagenated.

13, 18 1/2 x 12 1/4, GD unpagenated.

14, Composition au trait rouge (Composition with Red Line), 56 x 74, Private Collection, AC202; GM88-89; KM166, 238.

15, 50,5 x 37,3, The Lindy and Edwin Bergman Collection, DA233.

16, for Exhibition at Galerie Nina Douset, RP225.