*Catalogue Raisonné Number (* → No Plate in the Catalogue Raisonné), Title, Medium (No Mention → Oil on Canvas), Size (No Mention → cm.),
Property, Location, Reference and Page Number (Underline → Color Reproduction).
*Reference Bibliography
Catalogue Raisonné
S: Pierre Matisse, Kay Sage (eds.), Yves Tanguy: Un recueil de ses œuvres / A
Summary of His Works, Pierre Matisse, New York , 1963.
AB: André Breton
(ed.), Yves Tanguy, Pierre Matisse, New York , 1946.
JS: James Thrall Soby (ed.), Yves Tanguy (exh.cat.), The Museum of Modern Art, New York , 1955.
GD: Exhibition
of Gouaches and Drawings by Yves Tanguy, Pierre Matisse Gallery, 1963,
DM: Daniel Marchesseau, Yves Tanguy, Filipacchi,
Paris, 1973.
Patrick Waldberg, Yves Tanguy, André de Rache, Bruxelle, 1977.
KS: Katharina Schmidt
(ed.), Yves Tanguy (exh.cat.), Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, Prestel-Verlag München, 1982.
TP: Patrick Waldberg, Tanguy: Peintures, L’Autre Musée, 1984.
RP: Yves
Tanguy: Rétrospective 1925-1955 (exh.cat.), Musée national d’art moderne, Centre Geoges Pompidou, Paris,
VI: Victòria Izquierdo (ed.), Klee, Tanguy, Miró.
Drei Annäherungen an die Landshaft (exh.cat.),
Palais Liechtenstein, Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna, 2000.
RB: René Le Bihan, Renée Mabin,
Martica Sawin, Yves Tanguy, Palantines, Quimper, 2001.
KM: Karin von Maur (ed.), John
Brownjohn, John S. Southard (tr.), Yves
Tanguy and Surrealism (exh.cat.), The Menil Collection (Houston), Hatje
Canz, Ostfildern-Ruit, 2001.
GM: René le Bihan et al., Yves Tanguy
(exh.cat.), Galerie Daniel Malingue, Paris, 15 mai-12 juillet 2002.
AC: André Cariou (ed.), Yves Tanguy: L’univers surréaliste (exh.cat.), Musée des beaux-arts, Quimper ,
Somogy, Paris ,
SD: Susan Davidson (ed.),
Tanguy Calder: Between Surrealism and Abstraction (exh.cat.), L&M
Arts, 2010.
Double Solitaire: The Surreal Worlds of Kay Sage and Yves Tanguy, Katonah
Museum of Art, Katonah, The Mint Museum Charlotte, North Carolina, 2011.
c. 1922
***, North African
Infantry Corps, aquarelle (watercolor), 14 1/4 x 8 3/4 in., R. L. Quillivic
Collection, Pont Croix, Bretagne, KM212.
c. 1923
***, Portrait d’Emilie
Tanguy (Portrait of Emilie Tanguy), crayon and gouache, 13 x 9 3/4, in., R. L.
Quillivic Collection, Pont Croix, Bretagne, KM212.
001, Sans titre
(Untitled), aquarelle (watercolor), 12,6 x 20,8, Estate of Mrs. Yves Tanguy,
S33; PW49, 339.
002, Sans titre
(Untitled), aquarelle (watercolor), 12,4 x 21, Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Williams,
Chicago, S33; Collection particulière (Private Collection), AC52; PW77,
***, Église de Locronan
(Church at Locronan), gouache, 27 x 18, Galerie Thessa Herold, Paris , AC40-41.
***, Sans titre
(Untitled), craie et aquarelle sur papier (chalk and watercolor on paper), 14,9
x 23,5, Collection, Claude Oterelo, Paris ,
AC52; KM14.
***, Sans titre
(Untitled), aquarelle (Watercolor), 12 5/8 x 8 7/8 in., Collection particulière
(Private Collection), KM14; RP67; KS62.
c. 1924
***, Sans titre
(Untitled) [Road to the Sea], aquarelle (watercolor), 7 7/8 x 4 3/4 in., Whereabouts
unknown, KM16.
***, Sans titre
(Untitled), aquarelle (watercolor), RP66; KS62.
***, Sans titre
(Locronan) (Untitled [Locronan]), aquarelle (watercolor), 20 x 12, Collection,
Line and Patrick Waldberg, Paris, RP67.
003, Le Pont (The
Bridge), 40,5 x 35, Marcel Duhamel, Mouans-Saroux, Alpes-Maritimes, S34; Le
Pont (Gibbs) (The Bridge [Gibbs]), Collection particulière (Private Collection),
France, KM16; TP27, 22; RP68; KS122, 247; PW98-99, 342; DM9.
005, Rue de la Santé, 51
x 61, Estate of Mrs. Yves Tanguy, S34; The Museum of Modern Art, New York, KM15;
RB10-11; RP68-69; KS123, 247; PW88, 341; JS12.
006, Bar américain
(American Bar), aquarelle (watercolor), 28 x 21,5, Collection particulière
(Private Collection), Paris ,
S34; RP67; KS62; PW76, 341.
007, Sans titre
(Untitled), aquarelle (watercolor), 32 x 22,5, Emilie Tanguy, Locronan, Finistère,
S34; RP66; KS62; PW8, 337.
c. 1925
004, Portrait de
l'artiste (Self Portrait), aquarelle (watercolor), 13,5 x 8,5, Emilie Tanguy,
Locronan, Finistère, S4 (Color Plate), S34; Autoportrait, Collection Jacqueline
Matisse-Monnier, AC53; KM10, 135, 236; RP9; KS2,247.
***, Dancing, 61 x 49,5, Pierre and Maria-Gaetana Matisse Foundation Collection, New York , AC54; KM17,
231; RB16-17.
***, Le Testament de
Jacques Prévert (The Testament of Jacques Prévert), huile sur bois (oil on wood),
41,9 x 48,2, Collection particulière (Private Collection), AC55; KM19,
231; RB12-13, RP64-65; KS121, 247.
008, Fantômas, huile avec
collage de carton et coton (oil with collage of cardboard and cotton), 50 x
150, Pierre Matisse, New York, S35; Pierre and Maria-Gaetana Matisse Foudation
Collection, New York, AC56-57; KM20, 231; RB14-15; RP70;
KS126-127, 247; PW134, 136-137, 343; DM2-3.
009, Le Bateau (The
Boat), 50 x 61, Paul Garson, Paris, S35;TP26, 22; Collection
particulière (Private Collection), Paris, RP70; KS124, 247; PW100-101,
342; JS10.
010, Les Forains (At the
Fair), 40,5 x 33, Marcel Duhamel, Mouans-Saroux, Alpes-Maritimes, S35; Collection
particulière (Private Collection), AC57; GM14-15; RB18-19;
TP25, 22; RP70-71; KS125, 247; PW90-91, 341; DM10; JS13.
011, Le Phare (The
Lighthouse), collage avec des allumettes, carton et papier (collage with
matches, cardboard and paper), 61 x 50, André Breton, Paris, S36; Collection
particulière (Private Collection), GM16-17; KM23, 231; TP30,
22 RP72-73; KS131-132, 247; PW134-135, 343.
012, La Peur (Fear),
collage avec papier collé (collage with pasted paper), S36; RB20; RP29;
KS30; PW200-201, 346; DM12.
013, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown), 51 x 62, Galerie Rive Gauche, Paris, S36; Collection particulière
(Private Collection), AC58; PW21, 338.
014, La Fille aux cheveux
rouges (The Girl with Red Hair), 61 x 46,2, Pierre Matisse, New York, S36-37;
Collection Jacqueline Matisse-Monnier, AC46-47; KM24, 231; RB22-23;
RP72; KS129, 248; PW114-115, 343; DM66; JS23.
015, Vite! Vite! (Hurry!
Hurry!), 16,5 x 99,6, Estate of Mrs. Yves Tanguy, S38; huile sur bois (oil on
wood), The Museum of Modern Art, New
York , KM30, 232; PW122-123, 343.
016, L'Anneau
d'invisibilité (Ring of Invisibility), S38; huile, crayon et collage sur toile
(oil, pencil and collage on canvas), Collection particulière (Private
Collection), AC58-59; KS135, 248; PW91, 341.
018, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown), S38; PW18, 338.
019, Animaux perdus (Lost
Animals), c.116 x 89, détruite (destroyed), S38-39; PW79, 341.
10. 020, Titre inconnu (Title Unknown), collage avec ficelle (collage
with string), 92 x 65, Pierre Matisse, New
York , S40; Collection particulière (Private
Collection), KM24-25, 231; RB20-21; TP31, 22; RP74;
KS128, 247.
11. 021, Titre inconnu (Title Unknown), 100 x 81, Jaques Ulmann, Paris,
S41; Sans titre (La Géante, L’échelle) (Untitled [The Giantess, The Ladder]), Collection
particulière (Private Collection), KM27, 231; TP32, 22; RP47; KS46;
PW11, 337.
12. 022, Je suis venu comme j'avais promis. Adieu (I Came as I Had
Promised. Adieu), collage avec papier collé (collage with pasted papers), 100 x
73, Collection particulière (Private Collection), Paris, S42; Dieter Scharf
Collection – Foundation in Memory of Otto Gerstenberg, KM29, 231; TP35,
22; RP82; KS138, 248; PW132, 343.
13. 023, Lune obscure, (Dark Moon), 28 x 22, Joseph Shapiro, Oak Park , Ill. ,
S42-43; PW126-127, 343.
14. 024, Second message I, S44; TP37, 22; PW127, 343.
15. 025, L'Orage ou Paysage noir (The Storm, or, Black Landscape), 81 x
65, Philadelphia Museum of Art, The Louise and Walter Arensbarg Collection, S45;
L'Orage (Paysage noir) (The Storm [Black Landscape]), AC100; KM33,
232; RB24; RP80; KS136, 248; PW142, 344; JS24; AB18, 92.
16. 026, Genèse (Genesis), 100 x 81, Claude Hersent, Meudon,
Seine-et-Oise, S46; RB26-27; TP34, 22; RP80-81; KS137, 248; PW12-13,
337; JS14.
17. 060*, 1927 (?), Fumier à gauche, violettes à droite (Manure to the Left,
Violets to the Right), S58; 1926,
huil on board (oil on board), 60,3 x 29,3, Australia ,
Queensland Art Gallery .
18. ***, Paysage sous-marin (Landscape under the Sea), 64,5 x 49,5, PW138-139,
19. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), DM18.
017, 1926, Dormeuse (She
Sleeps), 55 x 46, André Breton, Paris, S38; Collection particulière (Private
Collection), KM42; RB28; Rêveuse (Dormeuse), TP38, 22; RP78-79;
KS134, 248; PW118-119, 343; DM11.
027, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown), 37 x 67, Collection particulière (Private Collection), Paris , S47; Sans titre
(Untitled), huile sur bois (oil on wood), Galerie Jan Krukier Cie, Genève, AC100;
KM30, 232; PW49, 339.
028, Second Message II,
65 x 54, Dr. Jean Dausset, Paris, S48; Collection particulière (Private
Collection), GM18-19; KM37,232; RB30-31; PW118, 343.
029, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown), 65 x 54, S48; PW76, 341.
030, Il faisait ce qu'il
voulait (He Did What He Wanted), 96,2 x 64,5, Richard Zeisler, New York, S48; KM40-41,
RP82-83; KS139, 248, PW140-141, 343; JS23.
031, Finissez ce que j'ai
commencé (Finish What I Have Begun), 100 x 81, Collection particulière (Private
Collection), Paris, S49; Collection Jacqueline Matisse Monnier , New York ,
AC102; KM45, 232; RP82; KS140, 248-249; PW92, 341.
032, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown), 55 x 38, Jaques Ulmann, Pairs, S50; 057*, 1927 (?), Bélomancie I
(Belomancy I), S58; Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, AC106; KM49,
232; PW46, 339.
033, La Main dans les
nuages (The Hand in the Clouds), 65 x 54, Jaques Ulmannm, Paris, S50; Staatsgalerie
Stuttgart, 2000, KM43, 232; RB28-29; PW72, 340.
034, On sonne (Someone is
Ringing), 82 x 66, Collection Particulière (Private Collection), Paris, S50; Collection
particulière (Private Collection), Switzerland, KM37, 232; PW24, 338.
10. 035, Mort guettant sa famille (Dead Man Watching His Family), 100 x
73, Collection particulière (Private Collection), S50-51; Museo Thyssen –Bornemisza,
Madrid, AC101-102; KM34-35, 232; RB37; TP29, 22; KS141,
249; PW56, 340.
11. 036, Titre inconnu (Title Unknown), 61 x 46, Galerie A. F. Petit,
Paris, S52; PW16, 337.
12. 037, L’éxtinction des lumières inutiles (Extinction of Useless
Lights), 92 x 65,5, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, S52; KM38-39,
232; RB34-35; RP84-85; KS143, 249; PW44, 339; JS26; AB17,
13. 038, Maman, Papa est blessé! (Mama, Papa is Wounded), 92 x 73, The
Museum of Modern Art, New York, S53; AC104-105; KM48, 232; RB38-39,
RP48, 86; KS145, 249; PW133, 343; JS27; AB55, 93.
14. 040, Titre inconnu (Title Unknown), 41 x 33, Collection particulière
(Private Collection), U.S.A. ,
S54; Sans titre (Untitled), 64 x 54, Collection particulière (Private
Collection), AC101; GM24-25; PW33, 338.
15. 041, Titre inconnu (Title Unknown), 46 x 38, Collection particulière
(Private Collection), U.S.A. ,
S54; Collection particulière (Private Collection), Paris, RP88; PW42,
16. 042, Tous ces détail étaient exacts (All These Details were
Correct), 81 x 65, Mr. and Mrs. A. Reynolds Morse, Cleveland, S54; Collection
particulière (Private Collection), RP90; PW10, 337.
17. 043, Apparitions, 100 x 81, Jacques Ulmann, Paris, S55; Collection
particulière (Private Collection), GM26-27; PW163, 344.
18. 044, Création I (Creation I), 46 x 38, Dr. Charles F. Leuthardt, Basel , S.56; PW145, 344.
19. 045, Création II (Creation II), 46 x 38, Dr. Charles F. Leuthardt, Basel , S.56; PW145, 344.
20. 046, Titre inconnu (Title Unknown), 54,5 x 45,5, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Williams, Washington ,
D.C. , S56.
21. 047, Titre inconnu (Title Unknown), 54,5 x 38, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Williams, Washington, D.C., S56; Sans titre (Composition surréaliste), Untitled
(Surrealist Composition), 54,5 x 38, Ulla and Heiner Pietzsch Collection,
Berlin, KM54, 232; RB36.
22. 048, Sortons! (Let’s Get out!), 35 x 24, Galerie A. F. Petit, S56;
PW164, 344.
23. 050, Titre inconnu (Title Unknown), 55 x 45,5, Pierre Matisse Gallery , New York ,
S58; RB40; PW17, 338.
24. 063, Un grand tableau qui représante un paysage (A Large Painting
Which is a Landscape), 116,8 x 90,8, Mrs. William Mazer, New York, S58-59; Collection
particulière (Private Collection), U.S.A., KM123; RB41; TP33, 22;
RP86-87; KS144, 249; PW75, 341; JS30-31.
25. 064, Terre d'ombre (Shadow Country), 99 x 80,3, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
L. Winston, Birmingham , Mich. , S60; The Detroit Institute of Arts,
Gift of Mrs. Lydia Winston Malbin, 1974, KM51, 232, RB44-45; RP89;
KS148, 249-250; PW32-33, 338; JS25.
26. ***, Composition surréaliste (Surrealist Composition), 36 x 26, Collection
particulière (Private Collection), Courtesy galerie Elvia Gonzalez , Madrid ,
27. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), 100 x 80,6, Collection particulière
(Private Collection), Suisse, GM20-21; VI79, 166.
28. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), 115 x 81, Collection particulière
(Private Collection), GM22-23; RB44; TP42, 22; DM13.
29. ***, Et voilà (La veille au soir) (There! [The Evening Before]),
65,3 x 54,3, The Menil Collection, Houston ,
KM32, 232; RB24-25; TP36, 22; RP46.
30. ***, Composition, 33 1/2 x 44 7/8 in., Courtesy of Helly Nahmad
Gallery, London ,
KM34; Sans titre (Untitled), 85 x 114, RB32-33.
31. ***, Paysage surréaliste (Surrealist Landscape), 100 x 81,
Staatsliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, 1977, KM51, 232.
32. ***, Reste, il le faut (It needs the rest), 22,3 x 16, PW158-159,
33. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), 88,8 x 72,5, TP39, 22.
***, Quand on me
fusillera (When They will Shoot Me), 55 x 46, Musée des beaux-art, Brest Métropole
Océane, AC104; KM49, 232; RB42-43.
1927 (?)
051*, Elber-feld, S58
052*, Une couleur, une
fleur, une personne présente (One Coler, One Flower, One Person Present), S58.
053*, Je m’en vais
venez-vous? (I am Leaving, Are You Coming?), S58.
054*, Premier message
(First Message), S58.
055*, Troisième message
(Third Message), S58.
056*, Le quatre juin je
ne vois plus (On June Fourth I No Longer See), S58.
058*, Essai sur les
erreurs populaires (Essey on Popular Errors), S58.
059*, Leur ventre blanc
m'avais frappé (I was Struck by Their Naked Belly), S58.
061*, La lueur
ressemblante (The Familier Glow), S58.
10. 062*, Argent potable (Money to Drink), S58.
* (S58) Les titres des
numéros 51-62 proviennent du catalogue de l’éxposition Yves Tanguy, Galerie
Surréaliste, Paris, 1927. Les titre-variant donné pour chaque œuvre est Quand on
me fusillera. (The titles of numbers 51-62 come from the catalogue of the Yves
Tanguy exhibition, Galerie Surréaliste, Paris, 1927. The variant title given
for each work is When They Shoot Me).
039, 1927, Quand on me
fusillera (When They Shoot Me), 61 x 47,5, Mme. Simone Collinet, Paris, S54;
Sara Hidén Foundation, Sara Hidén Art Museum, Tampere, Finland, 1964, KM50,232;
RB52-53; Demain on me fusille (Quand on me fusillera) (Tomorrow They
Shoot Me [When They Shoot Me]), RP85; KS146, 250; PW148, 344; JS28.
049, 1927, Titre inconnu
(Title Unknown), 92 x 65, Mme. Simone Collinet, Paris, S56-57; TP47, 23;
Galerie Jean Krugier, Genève, RP96-97; KS153, 250 ; WP94, 341;
066, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown), 116 x 89, Jacques Ulmann, Paris, S61; Sans titre (Untitled), Collection
particulière (Private Collection), AC106-107; PW33, 338.
067, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown), 61 x 46, E. Tappenbck, Paris, S61; PW94-95, 341.
068, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown), 81 x 65, Mme Simone Collinet, Paris, S62; Collection particulière
(Private Collection), KM58; PW91, 341.
069, Le jardin sombre
(The Dark Garden), 92 x 73, Mrs. J. M. McD. Weissenberger, Chicago, S62;
Kunstammlung Nordrhein-Westphalen, Düsseldorf, KM51, 53, 233; RB48-49;
RP98-99, KS155, 250; PW93, 341.
070, L'humeur des temps
(The Mood of Now), 92 x 73, James Thrall Soby, New Canaan, Conn., S61-62
(Color Plate), S62; The Museum of Modern Art, New York, legs James Thrall
Soby, 1979, RP94; KS149, 250; PW52-53, 339; DM18; JS30.
071, Vieil horizon (Old
Horizon), 100 x 73, Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York, S62-63; National Gallery
of Australia, Canberra, KM57, 233; RB46-47; RP94-95; KS151,
250; PW128-129, 343; DM18; JS32; AB49, 93
072, Avec mon ombre (With
my shadow), 115 x 81, Patricia K. Matisse, New York , S64; PW14-15, 337; JS28-29.
10. 073, Titre inconnu (Title Unknown), 81 x 65, Louis Thirion, Nancy,
11. 074, Le Pacte (The Pact), S64; PW42, 339; AB65, 94.
12. 077*, Titre inconnu (Title Unknown), 93 x 65, S64.
13. 078, Titre inconnu (Title Unknown), 100 x 73, Gordon Onslow-Ford,
Mill Vally, Calif., S64-65; Titre inconnu (Les Profondeurs tacites) (Title
Unknown [Unspoken Depth], Collection particulière (Private Collection), GM28-29;
KM51-52, 233; TP43, 22; RP97; KS152, 251,
14. 080*, Titre inconnu (Title Unknown), 61 x 50, S66; Collection, Mr.
Giuseppe Nahmad, Genf., KS158, 251.
15. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), 80 x 65,1, Collection particulière
(Private Collection), Courtesy galerie Natalie Seroussi, Paris ,
AC108; KM56.
16. ***, Titre inconnu (Title Unknown), Eight-part screen, oil on wood
with appliquéd string, eight panels each 78 3/4 x 23 1/2 in. (overall
dimentions; 78 3/4 x 188 in.) The Art Institute of Chicago, Joseph Winterbotham
Collection, 1988, KM74; RB50-51; DM14-15.
17. ***, Le Tabernacle (Tabernacle), found object of wood with mummified
head covered with natural and artificial fur, inset glass eyes, and neo-baroque
chandelier arms, 25 5/8 x 11 3/4 x 12 1/4 in., Collection particulière (Private
Collection), Paris, KM79.
18. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), 100 x 81, Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe , KS147,
1928 (?)
065, Titre
inconnu (Title Unknown), S61; Sans titre (Il vient) (Untitled [He comes]), 92 x
73, Collection particulière (Private Collection), AC66-67; KM54-55,
233; TP28, 22; RP90-91, KS154, 250; Il vient, PW116-117, 343; Il
vient, DM18.
076*, Fraude dans le
jardin (Fraud in the Jardin), S64.
079, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown), S66; PW18, 338.
081, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown), 65 x 81, William N. Copley, Paris, S66.
082, Tes bougies bougent
(Your Tapers Taper), 73 x 92, Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York, S66; Collection
particulière (Private Collection), AC113; RB66-67; PW171, 345.
083, Maintenant (Now), 98
x 84, Dwight Art Memorial, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass., S66.
084, Le Plan des sources
(Water-table), 88 x 105, J. B. Urvater, Bruxelles, S66; TP50, 23; PW130-131;
085, Proésépé, 38 x 61,
André Breton, Paris, S67; Collection particulière (Private Collection), Courtesy
Christie’s, RB54-55; PW24, 338.
086, Le Regard d'ambre
(The Glance of Amber), 100 x 81, Mme. Sybil Mesens, Bruxelle, S67; National
Gallery, Washington D. C., Chester Dale Fund, KM63, 233; RB56-57;
KS159, 251; PW125-126, 343.
087, “Sans titre”(“Untitled”), 65,5 x 53,2, Estate of Mrs. Yves
Tanguy, S67 (*“Sans titre”donné
comme titre par l’artiste. (“Untitled” given as title by the artist); PW94-95, 341.
088, Les Vues (Views), 72
x 58,5, Collection particulière (Private Collection), U.S.A. , S67; PW29, 338.
089, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown), 81 x 65, Collection particulière (Private Collection), Paris , S68.
10. 090, Titre inconnu (Title Unknown), 93 x 73, S68; Sans titre (Noyer
indifférent) (Untitled [Indifferent Drowning / Indifferent Walnut Tree]),
Galerie Jean Kruger & Cie., Gnève, AC114; KM60, 233; RB58-59;
KS64; PW78, 341.
11. 091, Titre inconnu (Title Unknown), 92 x 73, Collection particulière
(Private Collection), Paris ,
S68; Collection particulière (Private Collection), RP98, KS156,
12. 092, La Balance parfaite (Perfect Balance), 100 x 81, Galerie A. F.
Petit, Paris, S68; Gunter Sachs Collection, KM61; TP48, 22; PW43, 339.
13. 093, Titre inconnu (Title Unknown), 116 x 89, Mme Simone Collinet,
Paris, S69; Sans titre (Plus nous sommes) (Untitled [More We Are]), Collection
particulière (Private Collection), Paris ,
RP100-101; KS161, 251; PW144-145, 344.
14. 094, L'Inspiration (Inspiration), 130 x 98, Pierre Matisse Gallery,
New York, S69; Musée des beax-arts, Renne, AC110-111; KM62; RB61;
PW48-49, 339.
15. 095, Dehors (Outside), 118 x 91,5, Roland Penrose, London, S69;
Scotich National Gallery of Modern Art, Édinbourg, AC110; KM61,
233; RP100; KS160, 251; PW120, 343.
16. 096, Les Parallèles (The Parallels), 92 x 73, Philadelphia Museum of
Art, Louise and Walter Arensberg Collection, S70; PW124, 126, 343.
17. 097, Les Cloches perdues (Lost Bells), 64,2 x 53,2, Gordon
Onslow-Ford, Mill Valley , Calif. , S70; PW159, 344.
18. 098, Les Pollens (Pollens), 92 x 73, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes,
Santiago de Chile, S70; PW29, 338.
19. 099, Dérivé d'azur (Azure Derivative), 100 x 73, Gordon Onslow-Ford,
Mill Valley , Calif. , S71; Collection particulière
(Private Collection), KS163, 251; PW121, 343.
20. 100, L’envol des ducs (Flight of the Dukes), 100 x 81, Jacques
Ulmann, Paris, S72; Collection particulière (Private Collection), AC112;
TP41, 22; PW142-143, 344; DM18.
21. 101, Titre inconnu (Title Unknown), 81 x 60, Collection particulière
(Private Collection), Issy-les-Moulineaux, Seine, S72; Sans titre (L’avion)
(Untitled [Plane]), Musées royaux des beaux-arts de Belgique, Bruxelles, AC109;
KM64, 233; RB60; KS164, 251; PW75, 341.
22. 102, Titre inconnu (Title Unknown), 92 x 65, Denis E. Paddock, New
York, S72; Courtesy of Helly Nahmad Gallery, London, KM59, 233; RB62-63;
KS157, 251; PW72, 340.
23. 103, L'oreiller de satin (The Satin Pillow), 129,5 x 96,5, William
A, M, Burden, New York, S72-73; Galerie Beyeler, Basel, RP100; KS162, 251; PW68-69,
24. 104, Les Amoureux (The Lovers), 100 x 81, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H.
Barr, Jr., New York, S74; KM64, 233; PW147, 344; JS33.
25. 105, Le Bon jour doré (Good Golden Day), 65 x 92, Galerie Rive
Gauche, Paris, S74; PW26, 338.
26. 106, En le temps menaçant (Time of Foreboding), 100 x 81, Galerie A.
F. Petit, Paris, S74; TP40, 22; Slg. Mr. Giuseppe Nahmad, Genf., KS167,
251; PW22-23, 122, 338, 343.
27. 107, À Quatre heures d'été l’éspoir (At Four in the Summer, Hope),
130 x 69,5, Collection particulière (Private Collection), Paris, S74; Musée
national d’art moderne, Centres Georges Pompidou, Paris, RB64-65; TP51,
23; RP102-103; PW146, 344.
28. 108*, Verre de veilleuse (Glass of a Paraffin Lamp), S74.
29. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), 50 x 65, DM16.
30. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), 83 x 60, TP46, 22.
075*, 1928, Les mottes de
terre (Clods of Earth), S64; Les mottes de terre (L’Homme) (Clods of Earth [The
Man]), Collection particulière (Private Collection), KM70-71, 233.
109, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown), 73 x 60, Pierre Seghers, Paris, S75; Collection particulière (Private
Collection), RB70-71; Sans titre (Untitled), TP44, 22; Sport d’hiver (Sport of Winter), PW Jaquette,
110, Le Thermomètre dans
le jardin (The Thermometer in the Garden), 33 x 25, Mme. Marcel Cornic, France,
S75; PW43, 339.
111, El Fulgor semejante
(La Splendeur semblabre; Similar Resplendence), 73 x 60, Dr. Charles F. Leuthardt,
Basel; Offentliche Kunstsammlungen Basel, Gift of Dr., Charles F. Leuthardt,
Riehen, 1980, KM72, 233; RP102-103; KS165, 251-252; PW72-73,
112, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown), 81 x 65, Galerie A. F. Petit, Paris, S75; PW94-95, 342; DM17
113, Légendes ni figures
(Neither Legedes nor Figures), 82 x 65, Charles Ratton, Paris, S76 (*Cette
toile fut cribée de balles et autrement endommanagée au cours de la guerre;
This canvas was riddled by bulletes and otherwise damaged during the war); The
Menil Collection, Houston, 1960, KM66, 233; RB72-73; RP103;
KS168, 252; PW169, 345,
114, Second message III,
63,5 x 72, Pierre Matisse Gallery ,
New York , S76; Collection
particulière (Private Collection), GM30-31; RB68-69; PW126, 343.
115, Palais promontoire (Promontry Palace ), 71,3 x 58,5, Miss Peggy
Guggenheim, Venezia, S76; The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, Peggy
Guggenheim Collection, AC140-141; KM67, 233; RB72; TP57,
23; RP50; KS50; PW168, 345; AB31, 92.
116*, Titre inconnu
(Title Unknown), 100 x 81, Collection particulière (Private Collection), S76.
10. 117*, Janvier (January), 81 x 65, S76; Janvier (Paysage avec nuages)
(Janualy [Landscape with Clouds]), Collection particulière (Private Collection),
Courtesy galerie Ivana de Gavardie, Paris, AC115; RB74-75.
11. 118, Titre inconnu (Title Unknown), Jacques Ulmann, Paris, S76.
12. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), 100,3 x 81,3, Pierre and Maria-Gaetana
Matisse Foudation Collection, New York, AC116; Composition surréaliste,
TP52, 23; PW36, 339; Composition surréaliste (Surrealist Composition), DM32.
13. ***, Nuage (Cloud), 31 7/8 x 25 5/8 in., Courtesy of Herry Nahmad
Gallery London ,
119, L'Armoire de Protée
(The Armoire of Proteus), 61 x 50, André Breton, Paris, S77; Collection
particulière (Private Collection), KM69, 234; TP56, 23; RP104-105;
KS171, 252; PW161, 344; JS34.
120, La Tour de l'ouest
(The Tower of West), 27 x 22, Curt Burgauer, Zürich, S78; Kunstmuseum
Winterthur, AC141; KM68, 233; KS170, 251; PW227, 347; AB42, 93.
121, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown), 53 x 45, Richard Feigen, Chicago, S79; PW123, 343; PW152-153,
122, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown), 32 x 55, Richard Feigen, Chicago, S79; PW63, 340.
123, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown), huile sur verre (oil on glass), 19 x 19, Galerie A. F. Petit, Paris,
S80; Collection particulière (Private Collection), London, KM76; TP45,
22; PW167, 345; DM32.
124, Paysage absolu
(Absolute Landscape), gouache, 12 x 33, Dr. Charles F. Leuthardt, Basel, S80;
Kunstmuseum, Basel, Schenkung Dr. Charles F. Leuthardt, KS124, 252;
PW25, 338.
125, Sans titre
(Untitled), gouache, 11,5 x 29,2, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, S80; KM153,
236; PW113, 342; GD, no.1; JS35.
126*, Sous en hiver
(Pennies in Winter), S80.
127*, Lumière lente (Slow
Light), S80.
10. 128, Titre inconnu (Title Unknown), 116 x 89, Collection particulière
(Private Collection), Paris, S80-81; Collection particulière (Private
Collection), Courtesy pf Massimo Martino Fine Arts & Projects, Mendrisio, KM73,
234; TP49, 23; RP106; KS173, 252; PW50, 339.
11. ***, Sans titre (Les Derniers…?) (Untitled [The Latest…?]), 33 x 55,
Collection particulière (Private Collection), AC142.
12. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), 33 x 55, Collection particulière
(Private Collection), GM32-33; RB76-78.
13. ***, Titre inconnu (Title Unknown), 12,3 x 8, PW82-83, 341.
129, [Paravent quatre feuilles](Fourpart
Screen), 132 x 186, Galerie A. F. Petit, Paris, S82; Pavement, quatre feuilles
(Le Firmament) (Four-Part Screen [The Firmament], oil on cardboard, mounted on
canvas, overall size without frames: 51 1/8 x 73 2/8 in. (each panel 50 7/8 x
17 4/8 in.) Berardo Collection, Lisbon, Courtesy of The Mayor Gallery, London, KM75,
234; 130 x 186, RB78-79; RP49; KS49.
130, Le Ruban des excès
(The Ribbon of Extremes), 35 x 45, Roland Penrose, London, S82; TP54,
23; huile sur bois (oil on wood), Collection particulière (Private Collection),
London, RP106-107; KS175, 252; PW150-151, 344; DM28;
JS36; AB24, 97.
***, Roux en hiver (Rust
in Winter), 26,5 x 35, Pierre Matisse
Gallery , New York ,
RP108; KS179, 252; PW278-279, 350.
***, Sans titre
(Untitled), 14 x 40, Collection particulière (Private Collection), Paris , RP108-109; KS174,
***, Sans titre
(Untitled), gouache, 24 x 16, PW54-55, 81, 340, 341.
131, Le Fond de la tour
(The Heart of the Tower), 66 x 54, Mme. Henriette Gomès, Paris, S82; Courtesy
of Herry Nahmad Gallery, KM76; RB80-81; RP110; KS181,
253; PW174, 345.
132, L'obsession de la
prophétie (The Obsession of Prophecies), 46 x 38, Jacques Ulmann, Paris, S82; RB82-83;
TP58, 23; RP110; KS180, 253; PW40, 339.
133, Mille fois (A
Thousand Times), 65 x 50, J. B. Urvater, Bruxelles, S82-83, PW154-155, 344.
134, La Couche sensible
(The Sensitive Layer), 17,5 x 35, Collection Mayoux, La Ciotat,
Bouches-du-Rhone, S84; Collection particulière (Private Collection), France,
RP108-109; KS178, 252-253.
135, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown), 4 x 4,5, Richard Feigen, Chicago, S84; PW43, 339.
136, Sans titre
(Untitled), gouache, 7 x 20, J. Snégaloff, Paris, S84; PW30, 338.
137, Sans titre
(Untitled), gouache, 8,5 x 28,5, Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, The Ella Gallup
Summer and Mary Catlin Summer Collection, S85; PW97, 342.
138, Sans titre
(Untitled), gouache, 14,5 x 32, Mme. Henriette Gomès, Paris, S85; PW113, 342.
139, La Certitude de
jamais vu (The Certainty of the Never Seen), cadre-objet-en plâtre (Plaster
frame-object), 21,5 x 26,5 x 6,5, William N. Copley, Paris, S85; oil on wood in
a sculped free-standing frame of tinted gesso with five objects sculpted in
wood, one of them adorned with fine hair, The Art Institute of Chicago, The
Lindy and Edwin Bergman Collection, KM80; RB84-85; RP108; KS71;
PW329, 351; AB33, 93.
10. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), cadre-objet-en plâtre (Plaster
frame-object), 21 x 27, Collection particulière (Private Collection), Japan .
1933 (?)
140*, L'Opinion des
oiseaux (The opinion of the Birds), S85.
141, Globe de glace
(Globe of Ice), 40,5 x 33, Billy Wilder, Los Angeles, S86; Collection
particulière (Private Collection), AC146-147; GM36-37; RB86-87;
PW109, 342.
142, Les Nouveaux nomades
(The New Nomads), 79 x 63,5, Estate of Mrs. Yves Tanguy、S87; John and Marble Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota , Florida ,
legs Kay Sage-Tanguy, RP112; KS184, 253; PW164, 345.
143, Le Col de
l'hirondelle (The Pass of the Swallow), 45,5 x 36,8, Mr. and Mrs. Barnet Hodes, Chicago, S88; Collection
particulière (Private Collection), AC146; RB90-91; PW104, 342.
144, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown), S88; PW174, 345.
145, Fin de la rampe (The
End of the Rope), 81 x 65, Galerie A. F. Petit, Paris, S88; Collection
particulière (Private Collection), KM77, 234; TP59, 23; PW159, 344; DM32.
146, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown), 46 x 38, Mme. Engelfard, Paris, S88; PW156, 344.
147, Un Sourire continu
(A Lasting Smile), 43 x 20,3, Jacques Ulmann, Paris, S89; RB94-95; PW217,
148, Les Otages (The
Hostages), 63,5 x 53,5, S90; The Metropolitan Museum of Art ,
RP55; KS54; PW170, 345.
149, Je vous attends (I
am Waiting for You), S90; Los
Angeles Country Museum , 1994, KM77, 234; RB87-89;
RP110-111; KS183, 253.
150, Le Balcon (The
Balcony), gouache, Collection particulière (Private Collection), France, S90.
151, Un Risque dans
chaque main (A Risk in Each Hand), 64 x 53,5, John Goodwin, New York , S90; PW41, 339; JS37; AB34, 93.
152, Entre l'herbe et le
vent (Between the Grass and the Wind), 46 x 34, Mme Simone Collinet, Paris, S90;
Collection particulière (Private Collection), GM34-35; KM76, 234;
RB92-93; TP53, 23.
153*, Titre inconnu
(Title Unknown), 9 x 27, Collection particulière (Private Collection), Zürich, S90.
154*, Titre inconnu
(Title Unknown), Jean Serge Bourgoin, Paris ,
***, [Un Sourire
continu], PW164-165, 345; huile sur bois (Oil on Wood), DM26-27.
***, Sans titre
(Untitled), huile sur bois avec collage d’une photograhie de Marcelle Ferry
(oil on wood with collage of a photographie of Marcel Ferry), 6,5 x 20, Richard L. Feigen & Co. Gallery , New York , AC148; GM66-67; RB96-97.
155, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown) 55 x 46, Gustav Zumstag, Zürich, S91; Sans titre (Paysage métaphysique),
(Title Unknown [Metaphysical Landascpe]), Staatsgelerie Stuttgart, 1969, KM84,
234; RB100; KS185, 253; PW78, 341.
156, Les Rendez-vous des
parallèkes (The Meeting-place of Parallels), 27,5 x 35,5, Kunstmuseum Basel,
Emanuel Hoffmann-Stiftung, S92; KM84, 234; TP55, 23; RP56; KS57; PW156-157,
344; DM32.
157*, Finir par mordre
(Now I shall Bite), S92; Collection particulière (Private Collection), Courtesy
Christie’s; RB101.
158, À force égale (Equal
Strength), 35 x 27, Galerie Furstenberg, Paris, S92; Sans titre (Untitled),
TP60, 23; PW84-85, 341.
159, L’Empalmage (Sleight
of Head), 35 x 27, Richard Feigen, Chicago, S92; L’Empalmage (Palmage)
(Palming), Collection particulière (Private Collection), Hamburg , KM85; PW46, 339.
160, Le Géomètre des rêves
(The Geometer of Dreams), 55,8 x 45,5, Jeanne Reynal, New York , S93; Collection particulière
(Private Collection), SD46-47, 167; PW17, 338.
161*, Il se croyait bien
seul (He Thought Himself Very Much Alone), S93.
162, Théorie des réseaux
(Theory of Crystal Nerworks), S93; Sans titre, TP65, 23.
163, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown), gouache, 8 x 16,5, Mr. and Mrs. John Lee Bunce, Hartford , S93; PW112, 342.
10. 164, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 9 x 28, Mr. and Mrs. Barnet
Hodes, Chicago, S94; PW30, 338.
11. 165, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, c.7,5 x 17,2, Rex Evans, Los Angeles , S94.
12. 166, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 9 x 16,5, University of
California, Los Angeles, Maitland Collection, S94; Collection particulière
(Private Collection), AC158; PW112, 342.
13. 214, 1938, Le lourd palais (The Somber Palace), 27 x 35, Jacques
Ulmann, Paris, S108; 1935, Collection Michael et Judy Steinhardt, New York , AC149; GM44-45;
PW36, 339.
14. ***, Les Limites de l’horizon (The Limit of the Horizon), gouache
sur papier sur carton, 9 x 26,5, The Mayor Gallery, London , AC159.
15. ***, Passage d’un sourire (The Passage of a Smile), 25 1/2 x 21 1/4
in., The Toredo Museum of Art, purchased with funds from the Libbey Endowment,
Gift of Edward Drummond Libbey, 1938, KM78; 1938, Le Passage d’un
sourire, 64,8 x 54, RB124.
16. ***, Titre inconnu (Title Unknown), PW38, 339.
17. ***, Théorie des réseaux (Theory of the Crystal Nerworks), TP64, 23.
167, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown), 33 x 41, Galerie Fustenberg, Paris, S94; PW185, 346.
168, Les Oiseaux repentis
(The Peniment Birds), 34 x 26,5, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Brown, Lake Forest, Ill.,
S94; PW172, 345.
169, L’extinction des espèces
(The Extinction of the Species), 35 x 26,8, Richard Feigen, Chicago, S95.
170, Les Portes
tournantes (Revolving Doors), 45,5 x 38, Dwight Ripley, New York , S95; RB98-99; PW34, 338.
172, Mode d'hérédité (Way
of Heredity), 30,5 x 40, Mrs. Louis Klebenov, Chestnut Hill , Mass. ,
S95; RB104-105; PW182, 345.
173, Le Nid d'amphiouxus
(The Nest of the Amophioxus), 61 x 81, Musée des beaux art, Grenoble, S96; Musée
des peinture et de sculpture, Grenoble, AC151; KM85, 234; RB106-107;
RP114-115; KS187, 254; PW67, 340; AB57, 94.
174, Hérédité des caractères
acquis (Heredity of acquired Characteristics), 41 x 33, Robert S. Ingersol,
Jr., Philadelphia, S96; The Menil Collection, Houston, 1965, KM86, 234; RB102-103;
PW16, 337.
175, Luc le bonimenteur
(Luc the Barker), 55 x 46, Collection particulière (Private Collection),
Issy-les-Moulineaux, Seine, S96; PW174-175, 345; DM21.
176, Merveilles des mers
(Treasures of the Sea), 55 x 46, Collection particulière (Private Collection),
Issy-les-Moulineaux, Seine, S96; Collection particulière (Private Collection),
Courtesy galerie Thessa Herold, Paris, AC150; KM90, 234; RB110-111;
PW14, 337.
10. 177, À l'oreille des voyantes (To the Ears of Sybils), 70 x 60,
E.L.T. Mesens, Bruxelles, S96.
11. 178*, Le Fil en aiguille (Thread in Needle), S96.
12. 179, De l'autre côté du pont (From the Other Side of the Bridge),
objet en bois peint et tissu (object of painted wood and cloth), 48 x 22, Mr.
and Mrs. Morton G. Neumann, Chicago, S96-97; 4 3/4 x 8 1/4 x 18 1/2 in., Object
composed of padded cloth and painted wood with inscribed paper labels, Collection
particulière (Private Collection), New York, KM81, 234; RP114; KS75;
PW351; JS17; AB33, 93.
13. 180*, L'Industrie du pays (The Industry of the Country), objet
(objet), S98.
14. 181, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 7,2 x 22,5, Marcel Jean, Paris,
S98; Collection Timothy Baum, New York, AC159; KM153, 237; RP113;
KS182, 253; PW31, 338.
15. 182, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 10 x 30, Félix Labisse,
Neuilly-sur-Seine, S98; PW25, 338.
16. 183, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 8 x 30, Jacques Ulmann, Paris,
S98; VI82, 166; Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York, KS182, 253; PW171,
17. 184, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 8 x 27, Galerie A. F. Petit,
Paris, S98; PW31, 338.
18. 185, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 8 x 29,5, Galerie A. F. Petit,
Paris, S98; PW46-47, 339; DM31.
19. 186, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, Sir Herbert Read, Stonegrave, Yorkshire , S98.
20. 187, Auprès des sables (Near the Sands), gouache, 12 x 17, Gabriel
Ray, Paris, S99.
21. 188, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 6,5 x 17,5, Mrs. Grace Marshall , New York , S99; PW23, 338.
22. 189, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 23 x 16, M. et Mme. James
Ducellier, Carcassonne ,
23. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache sur papier brun, décalcomanie
(gouache on brown paper, decalcomania), 32,5, 50,2, The Museum of Modern Art, New York , AC163; KM87,
157, 237; KS21.
24. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache sur papier brun décalcomanie
(gouache on brown paper, decalcomania), 32,5 x 52,2, Ira Drukier Collection, New York , AC163; KM87,
25. ***, Paysage I (Landscape I), gouache, décalcomanie, 32,5 x 50,5, Collection
particulière (Private Collection), AC163; GM82; KS21.
26. ***, Paysage II (Landscape II), gouache, décalcomanie, 32,5 x 50,5, Collection
particulière (Private Collection), AC163; GM82.
27. ***, Titre unconnu (Title Unknown), 65 x 21,5, Isidore Ducasse Fine
Arts, KY57, 103; RB108-109.
28. ***, [Fragile], Oil on board with canvas structure, 9,1 x 21,
Wolfgang Wittrock Kunsthandel, Düsseldorf, KM92, 234;
29. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), [À ma petit Violette], gouache, 23 x 16,
Collection particulière (Private Collection), Paris , RP113 ;KS186, 253; PW64, 340; DM30.
30. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 7,5 x 23, PW46-47, 339; DM31.
31. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, PW181, 345.
32. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, PW187, 346; [À Joe Bousquet],
9 x 27, DM31.
33. ***, À Georges Hugnet, gouache, DM32.
34. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 8,9 x 7,9, VI81, 166.
1936 (?)
171, Titre inconnu (Title
190, Ni rides ni vent
(Neither Ripples nor Wind), 35 x 27, Pierre
Matisse Gallery , New York ,
S100; PW45, 339.
191, Sans titre
(Untitled), gouache, 12 x 22,5, Galerie A. F. Petit, Paris, S100; DM32.
192, Fragile, 33 x 46,
Mme. Lucienne Thalheimer, Paris, S100; PW180-181, 345; DM22.
193, Pour rompre l'équilibre
(Off Balance), 55 x 46, Paul Gaston, Paris S100.
194, Les Filles des conséquences
(Daughters of Chance), 71 x 61, M. et Mme. James Ducellier, Carcassonne , S101; PW20-21; PW172, 345.
195, La Journée bleue
(Azure Day), 61 x 71,5, S101; PW154, 344.
196, Jour de lenteur
(Lingering Day), 92 x 73, Musée National d’art Moderne, Paris, S102; Musée
national d’art moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, assigned 1978, KM90,
234; RB114; RP116; KS189, 254; PW18-19, 338; DM25.
197, Toilette de l'air
(The Air in Her Mirror), 100 x 81, Kenneth McPherson, Roma, S103; La Toilette
de l'air (The Air in Her Mirror), Sprengel Museum, Hanover, 1966, KM86,
234; PW177, 345.
198, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown), 41 x 33, Jacques Ulmann, Paris, S103; Ni Rides Ni Vents, Huile sur
carton toilé (Oil on Carton), Collection particulière (Private Collection), GM38-39;
PW62, 340.
10. 199, Les Mouvements et les actes (Movements and Acts), 65 x 52,5, Estate
of Mrs. Yves Tanguy, S103; KY83,103; The Smith College Museum of Art,
Northampton, AC152; RB112-113; TP62, 23; RP118; KS186,
254; PW102, 342; JS38.
11. 200, Quelques gestes (A few Gesture), 33 x 40,5, Mrs. Kurt
Seligmannm Sugar Loaf, New York ,
12. 201, Le Côte du vin (Wine Country), S104; PW36, 339.
13. 202, Le Questionnant (Doubter), 60 x 81, Roland Penrose, London,
S104; Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithonian Institution, Washington
D. C., Gift of Joseph H. Hirshhorn, 1972, KM91, 234; PW58, 340; JS39;
AB40, 93.
14. 203*, Le Faux pois de senteur (The Fake Sweet-pea), S104.
15. 204*, Rendez-vous, S104.
16. 205, Titre inconnu (Title Unknown), 41 x 33,5, Elisabeth Rouslin, Dracut , Mass. , S104; PW68, 340.
17. 206, Titre inconnu (Title Unknown), 35 x 27, Ferdinand Alquié,
Paris, S104; PW173, 345.
18. 207, Le Soleil dans son écrin (The Sun in Its Splendor), 115 x 88,
Miss Peggy Guggenheim, Venezia, S105; RB114-115, PW162-163, 344.
19. 208, Le Marchand de sable (The Sandman), objet en plâtre, carton et
plumes (object of plaster, cardboard and feathers), 30 x 21, André Breton, Paris , S106-107; Collection
particulière (Private Collection), KM82; RP13, 116; KS231, 254; PW160,
20. 209, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 8,5 x 23,5, Paul W. Cooley,
West Hartford, S107; Collection Timothy Baum, New York , AC160; PW23.
21. 210, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 26 x 19,5, Collection particulière
(Private Collection), Paris ,
S107; PW68, 340.
22. 226, 1938, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 7 x 24,5, Estate of Mrs.
Yves Tanguy, S110; Collection particulière (Private Collection), GM68-69;
RB118-119; PW108; KM92, 237; PW108-109, 342.
23. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 6,8 x 24, Ira Drukier
Collection, New York ,
24. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), 31 x 24, Collection particulière
(Private Collection), Courtesy Christie’s, RB110.
25. ***, Entends-tu?, 65 x 54, TP61, 23; PW246-247, 348; Sans
titre (Untitled), DM32
1937 (?)
211, Sans titre
(Untitled), gouache, Albert Skira, Genève, S107.
212, Espace infini
(Endless Space), 27 x 22, Tel-Aviv Museum of Art, S107; The Tel-Aviv Museum ,
Schenkung Peggy Guggenheim, Venice, KS191, 254; PW104, 342.
213, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown), S107; PW81, 341.
215, L’éxtinction des espèces
(Extinction of the Species II), 92 x 73, Patricia K. Matisse, New York, S108, S112-113
(Color Plate); Pierre and Tana Matisse Foundation, SD50-51, 168; Pierre
and Maria-Gaetana Matisse Foudation Collection, New York, AC164-165; RB116-117;
RP118-119; KS193, 254; PW178-179, 345; DM24; JS40.
216, L’énnui et la
tranquillité (Ennui and Tranquillity), 142 x 102, Mrs. Leon Falk, Pittsburgh,
S108; Collection particulière (Private Collection), GM40-41; KM94,
235; RB122-123; PW174, 345.
217, Le Géomètre (The
Geometer), S108; PW156, 344.
218, Je tourne la tête
vers moi (I Turn My Head Toward Myself), 65 x 54, Mrs. Andrew M. Cole, San Francisco , S108; PW85,
219, Demain (Tomorrow),
53,5 x 45,5, Arion Vogel, London ,
S109; Kunsthaus, Zürich, AC166; KS188, 254.
220, S'éveiller
(Awakening), 70 x 57, Mr. Mrs. Gilbert Highet, New York , S109; PW62, 340.
221, Les Oreilles d'un
sourd (The Ears of the Deaf), National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo , 36 x 54,5, S109; PW166-167, 345; DM23.
10. 222, Titre inconnu (Title Unknown), 16 x 26,8, Pierre Matisse Gallery , New York ,
S109; Sans titre (Paysage), (Untitled [Landscape]), Collection particulière (Private
Collection), KM92; KS190, 254; PW112, 342.
11. 223*, Dangers des courants I (Beware of Currents I), S109.
12. 224*, Dangers des courants II (Beware of Currents II), S109.
13. 225*, Dangers des courants III (Beware of Currents III), S109.
14. 227, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 7 x 21, Estate of Mrs. Yves
Tanguy, S110; From the Collection of Cheryl A. Chase and J. Stuart D. Bear, KY84,
103; PW87, 341; GD, no.5.
15. 228, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 9 x 28,5, Pierre Matisse Gallery , New York ,
S110; VI83, 166; PW170, 345.
16. 229, [Mannequin arrangé pour l’Exposition surréaliste chez
Wildenstein, Paris ,
1938] (Mannequin arranged for the Surrealist Exhibition at Wildenstein, Paris,
1938), S110-11; No longer exsitant, KM91; RP209; KS268.
17. 231, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 12,5 x 30,5, William N. Copley,
Paris, S112.
18. ***, Je te retrouve objet trouvé (I find found object again for you),
35 x 27,2, Galerie Jan Krugier & Co. ,
Genève, AC164; RB120.
19. ***, Composition, 27,3 x 35, Collection particulière (Private
Collection), GM42-43.
20. ***, Petit personage familier (Familier Little Person), cutout
composed of separate pieces, pencil, and carayon, 9 1/4 x 5 3/4, Musée national
d’art moderne, Centre Gerges Pompidou, Paris, 1975, KM83, 96; 23,5 x
14,5, RP120; KS235, 259.
21. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), 27 x 35, Collection particulière
(Private Collection), Courtesy Sotheby’s, RB120-121.
22. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), 25 x 17, Collection Lefevbre-Foinet, Paris , RP122; KS195, 255; PW54.
23. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), [Peggy Guggenheim’s Earing], Collection
particulière (Private Collection), New
York , KM93.
1938 (?)
230, Sans titre
(Untitled), gouache, 6,7 x 26,5, Richard Feigen, Chicago, S112.
233, Le Temps meublé (The
Furniture of Time), 116,5 x 89,2, James Thrall Soby, New Canaan, Conn., S112; The
Museum of Modern Art, New York, KM97-98, 235; RB126-127; PW176-177,
345; DM29; JS40-41; AB58, 94.
234, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown), 56 x 46, Dr. H. K. Silberberg, Johannesburg ,
S112; Collection particulière (Private Collection), GM48-49.
235, Aux aguets le jour
(On the Look-out by Day), 41 x 30,5, S113; PW51, 339.
236, Si C'était (If It
Were), 117 x 78, Max Ernst, Paris, S113; Collection particulière (Private
Collection), SD58-60, 169; KM96, 235; KS192, 254-255; PW104-105,
342; DM32.
237, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown), 46 x 61, Galerie A. F. Petit, Paris, S114.
238, Les Autres chemins
(Other Roads), 33,5 x 25,5, Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Lloyd, Chagrin Falls , Ohio ,
S114; PW177, 345.
239, La Lumière de
l'ombre (The Light of Shadow), 65 x 53, Hugh Chisholm, Jr., Hillsboro, Calif.,
S114; PW173, 345.
240, J'avais déja cet âge
que j'ai (I was Already My Present Age), 43 x 35,5, Pierre
Matisse Gallery , New York , S114; Collection
particulière (Private Collection), New York, RP122; KS196, 255; PW182-183,
241, Plusieurs ont vécu
(Sevral Have Lived), 71 x 56, Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Gift of
Thomas Howard, S114; VI89, 166; PW186-187, 346.
10. 242, Le Grand nacré (The Great Nacré Butterfly), 92 x 71, S114; Collection
particulière (Private Collection), SD56-57, 169; Collection particulière
(Private Collection), AC166-167; GM46-47; RB126.
11. 243, Rue aux lèvres (Street of Lips), 43 x 35,5, Mrs. and M.
Willard, Woodbury ,
Conn. , S114; Collection
particulière (Private Collection), AC122-123; PW88-89, 341.
12. 244, Mes arrière-pensées (My Hidden Thoughts), 92 x 73, San
Francisco Museum of Art, S115; Arrière-pensées (Mes arrière-pensées) (Hidden
Thoughts [My Hidden Thoughts]), KM95, 235; RB124-125; RP122-123; KS198,
255; PW80-81, 341.
13. 245, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 10 x 22,5, Gordon Onslow-Ford, Mill Valley , Calif. ,
S116; RP120-121; KS194, 255.
14. 246, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 16,5 x 26,5, Mrs. J. Mackin, Blue Hill , Maine , S116.
15. 247, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 12 x 30,5, Richard Feigen,
Chicago, S116; PW178, 345.
16. 248, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 35 x 28, Dr. Acker, Paris, S116;
PW228-229, 347.
17. 249, Le Soleil de ma tête est toutes les couleurs (The Sun of My
Head Is of Every Color), S116.
18. 250*, Titre inconnu (Title Unknown), 54 x 73, Calora Giedion-Welcker,
Zürich, S116.
19. 251, Le Diapason de satin (Satin Tuning-fork), M. et Mme. Jacques
Gelman, Mexico , D. F., S117;
TP63, 23; Collection, M. et Mme.
Jacques Gelman, Mexico ,
RP124-125; KS199, 255; AB26, 92.
20. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 14,6 x 9,5, Pierre
and Maria-Gaetana Matisse Foudation Collection, New York , AC161.
21. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 11,6 x 30, Collection
particulière (Private Collection), Coutesy galerie Ivana de Gavardie, Paris , AC162.
22. ***, Outre mer (Over Seas), 10 1/8 x 15 in., Collection of Mattatuck
Museum Arts & History Center, Waterbury, Connecticut, Gift of the Estate of
Kay Sage, 1964-65, KY58, 103.
23. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), 11,5 x 28, Collection particulière
(Private Collection), Courtesy Christie’s, RB128-129.
24. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), [Pour Pajarito son ami Tanguy Chemillieu
39], 13 x 23, Collection Gilbert E. Kaplan, New York , RP120-121; KS194, 255; PW46-47,
339; DM31.
25. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, PW181, 345.
26. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 31 x 23,5, PW184-185,
27. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache et cadre en ronce sur papier
(Gouache and Wooden Frame on Paper), 16 x 13,2, Collection Particulière
(Private Collection), Werner Spies (ed.), La
Revolution surrealiste, Musée d’art moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, 2002,
28. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 17,8 x 25,4, VI91, 166.
29. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 11 5/8 x 9 in., Collection
Henry Sage Goodwin, Hartford ,
Conn. , GD, no.6.
1939 (?)
232, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown), 9 x 13,5, Marino Marini, Milano, S112.
***, Sans titre
(Untitled) [Pour H. Putzel. Son ami Yves Tanguy], gouache, 10,2 x 23,8, Collection
particulière (Private Collection), GM70-71.
252, Les Jeux nouveaux
(New Games), 33 x 40,5, M. et Mme Henri Hoppenot, Paris, S118; SD68-69,
170; Collection Natalie et Léon Seroussi, AC182; PW71, 340.
253, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown) [“Pour Kay 17 August 1940”], 11,5 x 14, Estate of Mrs. Yves Tanguy,
S118; Pierre and Tana Matisse Foundation Collection KY85, 103; PW190-191
[reproduction with frame], 346.
254, Comment (How), 72 x
50,5, Pierre Matisse Gallery ,
New York , S118; PW241, 348.
255, Bélomancie II
(Belomancy II), 61 x 45,5, Pierre Marisse Gallery, S118; Collection
particulière (Private Collection), GM50-51; KM97, 235; VI103,
166; PW222, 347.
256, Le Témoin (The
Witness), 92 x 71, S119; Collection Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Weisman, KS84;
PW223, 347; JS42.
257, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown), 50,5 x 71, Mrs. J. M. McD. Weissenberger, Chicago, S120; Le Témoin
silencieux (Silent Temoin), PW224-225, 347; DM38-39.
258, Jamais plus (Never
Again), 92 x 73, Mrs. Rold Tjeder ,
New York , S120; PW230-231,
259, Un Peu après (A
Little Later), 45,5 x 38, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mack, S120; Collection
particulière (Private Collection), U.S.A., KY62,103; PW128, 343; AB73,
260, Le Regard de soie
(The Silken Glance), 45,5 x 38, Richard Feigen, Chicago, S120; PW272, 350.
10. 261, Titre inconnu (Title Unknown), 92 x 73, S120; PW128, 343.
11. 262, Mars (March), 50,5 x 45,5, A. L. Mills, Jr., Washington, D. C.,
S121; PW275, 350.
12. 263, Construire, détruire (To Built, to Destroy), 71 x 58,5, Prof.
de Lisis, Genova, S121; PW244, 348; AB39, 93.
13. 264, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 14 x 19, S121; PW106-107,
14. 265, Écoute (Listen), 76 x 56, Pierre
Matisse Gallery , New York ,
S121, RB132-133; PW28-29. 338.
15. 266, La Lumiére la solitude (Light, Solitude), 66 x 50,5, Richard
Feigen, Chicago, S121; PW85, 341.
16. 267, L'Imprévu (The Unforeseen), 71,5 x 63,5, Pierre Matisse
Gallery, New York, S122; KY62, 103; Wathworth Atheneum Museum of Art,
Hartford, CT., Gift of Mrs. F. Spencer Goodwin by Deed Gift, SD70-71,
17. 268, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 19 x 13,5, Earl Stendahl
Galleries, Los Angeles ,
S122; PW222, 347.
18. 269, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 28 x 24, M. et Mme. Henri
Hoppenot, Paris, S122; PW221, 347.
19. 270, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 25,5 x 20,5, Estate of Mrs.
Yves Tanguy, S122; GD, no.7.
20. ***, gouache, DM56.
271, En lieu de peur
(Place of Fear), 50,5 x 40,5, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Reis, New York, S123; Collection
particulière (Private Collection), GM56-57; PW228, 347; AB63, 94.
272, Les Cinq étrangers
(The Five Strangers), 100 x 81, The Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, S123; PW59,
340; JS43; AB72, 94.
273, Deux fois du noir
(Twice Black), 53 x 73,5, Jacques Ulmann, Paris, S123; Collection particulière
(Private Collection), GM52-53; PW196, 346; AB56, 93.
274, Lorsqu'on verra
(When They See), 63,5 x 53, Richard Feigen, Chicago, S124; PW259, 349.
275, À Gauche (On the
Left Side), 14 x 19, M. et Mme. Henri Hoppenot, Paris, S124; PW267, 349.
276, La Terre et l'air (Earth and Air), 114 x 91,
Bultimore Museum of Art, Saidie A. May Collection, S124-125; The Baltimore Museum
of Art, Baltimore , Maryland , Saidie A. May Collection, KM97,
99, 235; RB134-135; RP126-127; KS197, 255; AB50, 93.
277, Feu, couleur (Fire,
Color), 30 x 40, Dr. Riccardo Jucker, Milano, S126; Collection particulière
(Private Collection), Courtesy Sotheby’s, RB140-141; PW195, 346.
278, Les Survenants I,
(The Chance Comers I), 43 x 71, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Gash, New York , S126; PW150, 344.
279, En lieu oblique, (On
Slanting Ground), 43 x 71, Miss Peggy Guggenheim, Venezia, S126; The Solomon R.
Guggenheim Foudation, Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice, KM100, 235; RB136-137;
PW110, 342.
10. 280*, Feu, flamme (Fire, Flame), 30,5 x 40,5, S126.
11. 281, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 9 x 21,5, Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Lynes. New York ,
S127; PW231, 347.
12. 282, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 23 x 15, Mrs. H. M. Sage, Albany , S127; Collection
particulière (Private Collection), GM72-73; RB138-139; PW237, 348.
13. 283, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 11,5 x 30,5, Julien Levy, Bridgewater , Comm., S127; Collection, Gilbert E. Kaplan,
New York, RP126; PW195, 346; GD, no.8.
14. 284, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 29 x 24, Pierre Matisse
Gallery, New York, S127, 128-129 (Color Plate); VI104, 166; Collection
particulière (Private Collection), New York, RP126; KS196, 255; PW244-245,
348; GD, no.9.
15. 285, Titre inconnu (Title Unknown), gouache, 38 x 28, Mr. and Mrs
Bernard Reis, New York, S127; PW224, 347.
16. ***. Feu couleur (Fire Color), 30 x 40, Collection particulière
(Private Collection), AC183; GM54-55; RB142-143; VI105,
17. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache and collage for André Breton and
Yves Tanguy, “Volière,” 28 x 22,5, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, AC179.
18. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache for André Breton and Yves
Tanguy, “Volière,” 28 x 22,5, The Museum of Modern Art, New York.
286, La Longue pluie (The
Long Rain), 100 x 81, Honolulu Academy of Arts, S128; PW264-265, 349; AB32, 93.
287, L'Athée ou la
religieuse (Atheist and Nun), 35,5 x 25,5, Richard Feigen, Chicago, S129; RB146;
VI109, 166; PW102-103, 342.
288, La Pierre dans
l'arbre (The Stone in the Tree), 45,5 x 61, Arizona State University, Tempe, S130;
PW60, 340.
289, Vin, miel et huile
(Wine, Honey and Oil), 50,5 x 76, Mr. and Mrs. Millard Meiss, Princeton ,
N. J., S130; PW66, 340; JS46; AB41, 93.
290, L’éau nue (Naked
Water), 92 x 72, Mr. and Mrs. Harold X. Weinstein, Chicago, S130-131; Hirsholm
Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithonian Institution, Washington D.C., Gift of
Joseph H. Hirshhorn, 1972, SD76-77, 170-171; KM102; AB80, 94.
291, Encore et toujour
(Time and Again), 100 x 81, Wright S. Ludington, Santa Barbara, S132; Museo
Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid, AC186; RB144-145; TP67, 23; PW216-217,
347; AB79, 94.
292, Les Survenants II
(The Chance-Comers II), Richard Feigen, Chicago, S133; PW231, 347.
293, Vers le nord
lentement (Slowly Toward the North), The Museum of Modern Art, New York , Gift of Philip
C. Johnson, S134; SD80-81, 171; PW276, 350; JS44; AB71, 94.
294, Le Palais aux
rochers de fenêtres (The Palace of Windowed Rocks), 163 x 132, Musée national
d’art moderne, Centre Georges-Pompidou, Paris, S134-135; AC168-169; KM101,
235; RB146-147; TP66, 23; RP134-135; KS205, 256; PW250-251,
349; JS45; AB47, 93.
10. 295, Projet pour un nuage (Deseign for a Cloud), 115 x 102, David E.
Bright, Bevery
Hills , Calif. ,
S136; PW284, 350; DM Jaquette.
11. 296, Dame à l'absence (Absent Lady), 115 x 89, Mrs. Macel Duchamp,
New York, S137; Kunstsammlung Nordfeinwestfalen, Düsseldorf, KM104-105,
235; RB148-149; RP129; KS201, 256; PW287-288, 350; DM37; AB6,
12. 297, Divisivilité indéfinie (Indefinite Divisibility), 102 x 89,
Albright-Knox Art Gallery Buffaro, Room of Contemporary Art, S138; AC185;
KM103, 235; RP128; KS200, 255-256; PW248, 349; JS46-47; AB52,
13. 298, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 26,5 x 21,5, S139; PW234, 348.
14. 299, La Grande mue (The Great Mutation), gouache-collage, 29 x 21,5,
Estate of Mrs. Yves Tanguy, S139; The Museum of Modern Art, New York, KM106,
235; PW223, 347; GD, no.12; AB48, 93.
15. 300, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 28 x 15, Pierre Matisse
Gallery, New York, S139; VI107, 166; Collection particulière (Private
Collection), New York, RP133; KS202, 256; PW6, 336; DM61; GD, no.11.
16. 301, [Couverture pour la revue View sér.2 no.2 mai 1942] [Cover for
the magazine View, ser.2, no.2, May
1942] gouache-collage, S140.
17. 302*, Flotson (Flotsam), 92 x 71, Pierre Matisse Gallery , New York ,
18. 303, Sans titre (Untitled), Construction en carton (Carboard
Construction), P140.
304, Le Prodigue ne
revient jamais I (The Prodigal Never Returns I) 28 x 23, Hugh ChisHolm, Jr., Hillsboro , Calif. ,
S140; Nahmad Collection, Switzerland, SD102-103 174; RB154-155;
PW108, 342.
305, Le Prodigue ne
revient jamais II (The Prodigal Never Returns II), 28 x 23, Hugh ChisHolm, Jr.,
Hillsboro , Calif. , S140; PW108, 342.
306, Le Prodigue ne
revient jamais III (The Prodigal Never Returns III), Hugh ChisHolm, Jr., Hillsboro , Calif. , S141; PW260, 349.
307, Le Prodigue ne
revient jamais IV (The Prodigal Never Returns IV), Hugh ChisHolm, Jr., Hillsboro , Calif. , S141; PW35, 339.
308, Prodigue (The
Prodigal), 28 x 23, Hugh ChisHolm, Jr., Hillsboro ,
Calif. , S141; Nahmad Collection,
Switzerland, SD96-97, 173; Le Prodigue, RB152-153; PW206.
309, Zones d'instabilité
(Zones of Instability), 50,5 x 45,5, Mrs. Herbert C. Morris, Bryn Mawr , Pa. ,
S141; Courtesy Herry Nahmad Gallery, RB158-159; PW275, 350.
310, Réponse au rouge
(Response to Red), 30,5 x 63,5, Felix Landau Galley. Los Angeles , S142; PW110, 342.
311, Par les oiseaux par
feu et non par verre (Through Birds, Through Fire, But not Through Glass), 102
x 89, Richard Feigen, Chicago, S142; The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Gift or
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Winston in tribute to Richard S. Davis, 75.72.2, KY63,
103; PW203, 346; AB74, 94.
312, Aux quatre angles
(At the Four Corners), 45,5 x 40,5, Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York, S142-143;
Isidore Ducasse Fine Arts, New York, RB150-151; VI115, 166.
10. 313, Les Couleurs équivoques (Equivocal Colors), 50,5 x 40,5, Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Lynes, New York, S144; Williams College Museum of Art,
Williams Town, Mass., Gift of the Lynes Family Collection, 99-5. SD92-93,
173; PW233, 348.
11. 314, Titre inconnu (Title Unknown), 16,5 x 24, Collection particulière
(Private Collection), U.S.A., S144; gouache on paper, mouted on masonite, The
Menil Collection Houston, Gift of Alexandre Iolas, KM104, 235; PW218,
12. 315, Périls solaires (Solar Peris), 92 x 71, Glenway Wescott,
Rosemont, N.J., S145; Daniel Filipacchi, SD86-87, 172; RB160-161;
PW280-281, 350; DM35, 37; AB66, 94.
13. 316, [Objet-pyramide] (Pyramid Object), dessins à l’encre collés au
plâtre, encaissé en carton couvert de papier et drap fin (ink drawings gulued
to plaster, encased in cardboard covered paper and broardcloth), h.7, Estate of
Mrs. Yves Tanguy, S146; RP214;
14. 317, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache-collage, 50 x 39,5, Pierre Matisse Gallery , New York , S146; PW232, 347.
15. 318, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache-collage, 44,5 x 39,5, Pierre Matisse Gallery , New York , Projet pour une couverture de la
revue d’un Minotaure sur le diable.
Pas publié puisque le manuscrit fut perdu entre New York et Genève (Design for a cover of a Minotaure issue on the devil. Not
published as the manuscript was lost between New York and Genova), S146; Le
Minotaure, 50,4 x 40, Fondation Joan Miró, Barcelone, AC188; KM107,
235; RB156-157; RP136-137; PW Jaquette, 337; GD, no.15.
16. 320, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 21,5 x 13,5, Mr. and Mrs.
Bernard Reis, New York ,
S147; PW55, 340.
17. 321, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 35,5 x 28,5, Mr. and Mrs. Allan
D. Emil, New York ,
S147; PW55, 340.
18. 322, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 34 x 26,5, Julien Levy, Bridgewater , Conn. , S147; Collection
particulière (Private Collection), Courtesy galerie Natalie Seroussi, Paris, AC184.
19. 323, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 15 x 30,5, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Reis, New York ,
S148; PW267, 349.
20. 324, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 35,5 x 26, Richard Feigen, Chicago,
21. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), 23,5 x 29,8, Collection David Ilya et Daria Brandt , New
York , AC186; PW226-227, 347; DM57.
22. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 15 x 25,9, VI111, 166.
1943 (?)
319, Sans titre
(Untitled), gouache, 32 x 25, Estate of Mrs. Yves Tanguy, inachevé
(unfinished), S146; GD, no.14.
325, L'Oubli des nombres
(Forgotten Numbers), 33 x 24,5, Collection particulière (Private Collection), Brazil ,
S148; Susan and Leonard Feinstein, SD108-107, 175; PW234, 348.
326, L'Alphabet du vent
(Alphabet of the Wind), 102 x 79, Pierre
Matisse Gallery , New York ,
S149; Yokohama Museum of Art, Japan; PW194-195, 346; DM40.
327, Les Dernier jours
(The Closing Days), 97 x 137,5, Mr. and Mrs. Harold X., Weinstein, Chicago,
S150; Collection Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weinstein, Cnicago, KS89; PW71, 340; JS48;
AB25, 92.
328, Ma vie, blanche et
noire (My Life, White and Black), 92 x 76, M. et Mme. Jacques Gelman, Mexico ,
D. F., S151; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Collection Jacques and
Natasha Gelman, RB162-163; RP138-139; TP68, 23; KS207,
256; PW34, 338; JS49; AB23, 92.
329, Mer close monde
ouvert (Closed Sea ,
Wide World), 58,5 x 127, Pierre
Matisse Gallery , New York ,
S152; Daniel Filipacchi, SD112-114, 175; RB166-167; PW57, 340; JS51;
AB64, 94.
330, Par deux fois
(Twice), 45,5 x 35,5, Oliver B Jennings, Woodbury, L.I., New York , S152; PW238, 348.
331, Distances (The
Distances), 20,5 x 25,5, Mrs. Murray Crane, New York ,
S152; Courtesy of Helly Nahmad Gallery, London ,
KM109; PW234, 348.
332, Mémoire du matin
(Memory of the Morning), 50,5 x 40,5, Monroe Wheeler, Rosemont , N.J. ,
S152; RB158; PW237, 348.
333, La Tour marine
(Tower of the Sea), 92 x 35, Washington
University , St. Louise,
S153; JS50.
334, Le Cinq janvier
(January Fifth), 25,5 x 20,2, Donald Macmilan, S153.
335, Sans titre
(Untitled), gouache (double face), 27,5 x 24, Richard Feigen, Chicago, S153;
PW3, 4.
336, Sans titre
(Untitled), gouache, 12 x 26,5, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Richter, New York , S154.
337, Sans titre
(Untitled), gouache, 16,8 x 26,5, Richard Feigen, Chicago, S154; PW196, 346.
338, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown), gouache, 23 x 30,5, Richard Feigen, Chicago, S155; Collection
particulière (Private Collection), RB164-165; PW74-75, 340; DM63.
***, Sans titre
(Untitled), gouache on black paper, mounted on wood, 20,4 x 26,8, Timothy Baum
Collection, New York, KM107, 237.
339*, Sous l'ombre lente
(Under the Lengtening Shadows), 38 x 46, Pierre
Matisse Gallery , New York ,
340*, Les Sourciers (The
Water-seekers), 38 x 46, Perry Embiricos, Monaco, S156; Nahmad Collection,
Switzerland, SD122-123, 176; RB170-171; VI117, 166; PW261,
341, L'Orpailleuse (The
Shifter of the Gold), 45,5 x 35,5, Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York, S156; Nahmad
Collection, Switzerland, SD120-121, 176; RB170; VI116,
166; PW243, 348; JS53.
342, Au cœur de l’éau (The
Water’s Heart), 46 x 38, Pierre
Matisse Gallery , New York ,
S156; PW191, 346.
343, La Rapidité des
sommeils (The Rapidity of the Sleep), 127,5 x 102, Art Institute of Chicagom
Joseph Winterbotham Collection, S156; The Art Institute of Chicago, The Joseph
Winterbothnam Collection, 1946, KM111-112, 235; RB168-169; PW35,
339; JS52-53.
344, L'Arc volant (The
Speeding Bow), 63,5 x 50,5, Pierre
Matisse Gallery , New York ,
S156; PW208-209, 346; DM40-41.
345, Là ne finit pas
encore le mouvement (There, Motion Has not Yet Ceased), 71 x 55,5, Richard S.
Zeisler, New York, S157; Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum , New York, Bequest,
Richard S. Zeisler, 2007.47, KY68, 103; KM112-113, 235;
RP140-141; KS206-207, 256; PW241, 348.
346, Le Pourvoyeur (The
Provider), 53 x 38, Comm., Carlo Tosi, Milano, S158; PW209, 346.
347, Sans titre
(Untitled), gouache, Illustration pour Feu
Central par Benjamin Péret (Illustration for Feu Central by Benjamin Péret), S158.,
10. 348, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 24 x 6, André Breton, Paris,
S158; Collection particulière (Private Collection), GM74-75; PW267, 349.
11. 350, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 35,5 x 28, Hugh Chisholm, Jr., Hillsboro , Calif. , S158; PW233, 348.
12. 351*, Ascapar, gouache, 36,5 x 30,5, Mr. and Mrs. John Ricco, New York , S159.
13. 352, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 21,5 x 8, Catherine Viviano,
New York、S159.
14. 353, Hommage à Marcel Duchamp (Hommage to Marcel Duchamp), gouache,
S159; PW268-269, 349.
15. 354, L'Herbe à nageoire, gouache, (Swimming Grass), gouache, 47 x
32, Mr. Mrs. Selwyn Schwaltz, Chicago, S159; PW205, 346.
16. 355, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 23 x 15, S159; PW271, 349.
17. 356, 381*, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 55 x 28,5, Pierre Matisse
Gallery, New York, S159; Taille de guêpe (Wasp-waist), S165; RP140; KS208, 256;
PW57, 340; DM48; GD, no.17.
18. 357, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 53,5 x 7,5, Estate of Mrs. Yves
Tanguy, S160; PW27, 338; GD, no.16.
19. 358, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 36,5 x 28,2, Richard Feigen,
Chicago, S160; PW252, 349.
20. 359, Les Causeurs (Conversation), gouache, 36 x 28, Estate of Mrs.
Yves Tanguy, S160; PW242-243, 348; GD, no.18; JS54.
360, Au cœur de la paresse
(At the Heart of Indolence), 98,5 x 81,1, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Slifka, New York , S161; PW200,
361, Robe du matin (Dress
of the Morning), 58,5 x 71, Pierre
Matisse Gallery , New York ,
S162; PW213, 347.
362, Vers d'anciens
appels (Toward Ancien Calls), 71 x 58,5, Mr. and Mrs. Barnet Hodes, Chicago,
S162; Collection particulière (Private Collection), GM58-59; RB174-175;
VI119, 166; PW286, 350.
363*, Océan pour les
oiseaux (Ocean for the Birds), 46 x 38, S162.
364, Mains et gants (Hand
and Gloves), 92 x 71, Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York, S163; Musée d’art
moderne, Saint-Étienne, AC189; KM112, 235; RB174; RP142-143;
KS213, 256; PW244, 348.
365, La Grue des sables
(Sandpiper), gouache, 48 x 34, Johnson McNutt, Memphis, S164; Collection
particulière (Private Collection), SD124-125, 176-177; VI121,
166, PW238-239, 348; DM51-52.
366, Sans titre (Untitled),
gouache, 8 x 16,5, S164; Collection particulière (Private Collection), RB172-173.
367, Sans titre
(Untitled), gouache, 26,5 x 21, Alvin Greenstein, Chicago, S164; Collection David
Ilya et Daria Brandt, AC184; RB178-179; PW234, 348.
368, La Jupe (The Skirt),
gouache, 28.2 x 24, Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York, S164; PW247, 348.
10. 369, Plantes de glace (Ice Plants), gouache, 36,5 x 28,2, Johnson
McNutt, Memphis ,
11. 370, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 36,5 x 30,5, Pierre
Matisse Gallery , New York ,
S160-161(Color Plate), S164; Collection particulière (Private Collection), New York , RP140; KS211,
256; PW240-241, 348; DM55; GD, no.20.
12. 371, Nombres réels (Real Numbers), gouache, 33,8 x 27, Contessa Pecci
Blunt, Roma, S165; PW254, 349.
13. 372, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 36,5 x 28,2, Pierre Matisse Gallery , New York ,
S165; PW234, 348.
14. 373, Moins bleu (Less Blue), gouache, 28 x 24, Pierre Matisse
Gallery, New York, S165; Moins bleu (Less Blue) or Sans titre (Untitled), Musée
national d’art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, AC184; KM108,
237; RB176-177; PW249, 348.
15. 374*, Nombres transfinis (Transfinite Numbers), gouache, S165.
16. 349, 375*, Nombres irrationnels (Irrational Numbers), gouache, 35,5
x 15, Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn Schwartz, Chicago, S158, 165; Collection particulière
(Private Collection), AC187; PW238, 348.
17. 376*, Nombres complexes (Complex Numbers), gouache, S165.
18. 377*, Nombres négatifs (Negative Numbers), gouache, S165.
19. 378*, Nombres cardinaux (Cardinal Numbers), gouache, 47 x 29,
Marcello Nizzoli, Milano, S165.
20. 379*, Elle fut douce (She was Gentle), gouache, 36,5 x 30,5, S165; VI123,
166; PW252, 349; GD, no.21.
21. 380*, Folle blanche (White Folly), gouache, S165.
382, Parure d'insomnie
(Clothed in Wakefulness), 46 x 38, Pierre
Matisse Gallery , New York ,
383, Rêveuse (Dreamer),
14,5 x 20,2, Pierre Matisse Gallery ,
New York , S166; PW236-237,
384, Il y a (There is),
127,5 x 102, William N. Copley, Paris, S167; PW266-267, 349.
385, L'Arche du soleil (Arch
of the Sun), 46 x 38, Dr. Joseph Dollinger, Brookryn, New York, S168; Collection
particulière (Private Collection), New York, GM60-61; PW254, 349.
386* [Montage commisionné
par Frederick Kiesler pour la plafond d’une galerie de l’Exposition International du Surréalisme,
Galerie Maeght, Paris, 1947. N’existe plus.] (Montage commisioned by Frederick
Kiesler for the ceiling of a gallery in the International Exhibition of
Surrealism, Galerie Maegt, Paris, 1947. No Longer exists), S168; Ladder that
Heralds Death, KM111; RP223; KS272.
387*, Le Cœur volant (The
Soaring Heart), c.17 x 40,5, S168; RP233.
388, Au hasard du soleil
(At the Risk of the Sun), 70 x 40, Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York, S168; The
Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, don des Amis du musée, RB180-181;
PW270, 349.
389, D'une nuit à l'autre
(From One Night to Another), 115 x 91,5, California Palace of the Legion of
Honor, San Francisco, Mildred Anna William Collection, S169; RP144-145; KS212,
257; PW250-251, 348.
390, Pierre
première (First Stone), 71 x 58,5, Pierre
Matisse Gallery , New York ,
S170; PW206-207, 346; DM36-37.
10. 391, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 44 x 30, Jacques Ulmann, Paris,
S171; PW286, 350.
11. 392, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 44 x 31, Galerie A. F. Petit,
Paris, S171; PW269, 349.
12. 393, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 46 x 30,5, Richard Feigen,
Chicago, S171; Collection particulière (Private Collection), GM78-79; KM108,
13. 394*, La Dame de onze heure (Lady of Eleven), gouache, 59,5 x 44,
Mme Simone Collinet, Paris, S171; JS55.
14. 395*, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 34 x 38, James Thrall Soby,
New Canaan, Conn., S171.
15. 396, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 28 x 36, Philip Perkins, Paris,
S172; Collection particulière (Private Collection), Courtesy Sotheby’s, RB184.
16. 397, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 36 x 28, Estate of Mrs. Yves
Tanguy, S172; PW283, 350; GD, no.23.
17. 398, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 33,5 x 28, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
J. McIntosh, San Francisco, S172.
18. 399, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 33,5 x 24, James Thrall Soby,
New Canaan, Conn., S172; PW232, 347; GD, no.22.
19. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 35,5 x 28, Collection
particulière (Private Collection), AC200.
20. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 35,6 x 27,9, Daniel Fillipacchi,
SD128-129, 177; RB184-185.
21. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, 31,1 x 23,5, Collection
particulière (Private Collection), GM76-77; KM109, 238; VI122,
166; RP143; KS209, 256-257, PW212-213, 347; DM59; GD, no.24.
22. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache on paper, 31,1 x 23,5, Collection
particulière (Private Collection), Courtesy of Galerie K. Zug Switzerland , KM108, 238;
RP103; KS90.
23. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache sur carton, 31 x 23, Collection
particulière (Private Collection), Coutesy of Sotheby’s, RB182-183.
24. ***, La Tour marine (The Marine Tower), gouache, Collection
particulière (Private Collection), New
York , RP144; KS210, 257; DM58; GD, no.19.
25. ***, Titre inconnu (Title Unknown), 45,5 x 37,5, PW248, 348.
400, Terre des dormeuses
of Sleep ),
31,5 x 25,5, Estate of Mrs. Yves Tanguy, S172; PW262, 349.
401, Qui répondra? (Who
will Answer), 92 x 71, Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York, S173; Greenwich Fine
Arts, KY71, 103; SD130-131, 177; PW263, 349.
402, Je me faisais
semblant (I was Pretending to Myself), 98,5 x 81, Hugh Chisholm, Jr., Hillsboro , Calif. , S173; Collection
particulière (Private Collection), SD132-133, 177-178; PW220-221,
347; DM37.
403, Le Malheur adoucit
les pierres (Suffering Softens Stones), 92 x 71, Krannert Art Museum,
University of Illinois, Urbana, S173; KY67, 103; RP146; KS215, 257;
PW255, 349; JS56.
405, Mars azuré (Blue
March), 31 x 25, Dr. Antonio Mazzotta, Milano, S174; PW257, 349.
1948 (?)
404, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown), S173.
406, Quatre ailes, ou Le
Plasir de Sylvia (Four Wings, or, As Sylvia Wishes), 30,5 x 25,5, Mr. and Mrs.
Leonid Berman, New York ,
S17; PW214-215, 347; DM46.
407, La Peur II (Fear
II), 153 x 102, Whiteney Museum of American Art, New York, S174; AC204-205;
KY79, 103; KM114-115; RB188-189; RP29; KS30; JS62-63.
408, Le Souhait (The
Wish), 92 x 71, S175; RP59; KS59; PW191-192, 346.
409, Lumen, 30,5 x 25,
Collection particulière (Private Collection), Milano, S176; PW271, 350.
***, Sans titre
(Untitled), aquarelle, 35 x 50, Collection particulière (Private Collection), RB186-187.
***, Sans titre
(Untitled), 31 x 23, PW218-219, 347; DM60.
410, Jeune lune (Young
Moon), 28 x 25,5, Dwight Ripley, Wappingers Falls, New York, S176; Collection
particulière (Private Collection), Courtesy Christie’s, RB190-191; PW234-235,
411, Feu à éclat
(Flashing Fire), 71 x 58,5, Estate of Mrs. Yves Tanguy, S176; PW269, 349.
412, La Rose des quatre
vents (Rose of the Four Winds), 71 x 58,5, Estate of Mrs. Yves Tanguy, S177;
Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, AC206-207; KM117, 235; PW204-205,
346; JS58.
413, Elle viendra (She
will Come), 45,5 x 35,5, Johan Mayoux, Ussel, Corrèze, S177; PW261, 349.
414, À Mirer en hiver (To
be Observed in Winter), 36 x 28, Estate of Mrs. Yves Tanguy, S177; PW260, 349.
415, De Mains Pâles aux
cieux lassés (From Pale Hands to Weary Sky), 92 x 71, Estate of Mrs. Yves
Tanguy, S178;KY93,103; The Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, AC190-191;
RP148-149; KS217, 257; PW256-257, 349..
417*, Dehors est toujours
blanc (Always White Outside), gouache, 33 x 25,5, S179.
418*, Parallayes,
gouache, 33 x 25,5, S179.
419*, Oiseaux majuscules
(Major Birds), gouache, 33 x 25,5, S179.
10. 420*, Plan laminé (Laminated Plane) gouache, S179; PW210, 346; GD,
11. 421, La Grande fenêtre (The Immense Window), gouache, 65 x 49,5,
Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York, S180; Collection particulière (Private
Collection), KM121; RP149; KS216, 257; PW191, 193,
346; DM53; GD, no.26.
12. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), 49 x 32, Collection particulière
(Private Collection), Courtesy Sotheby’s, RB190.
c. 1950
416, [Jeu d'échecs]
(Chess Set), bois peint gris et blanc (grey and white painted wood), échiquier
(board), 53,5 x 53,5, roi (king), 10 h., Estate of Mrs. Yves Tanguy, S179; JS19.
422, Temps égaux (Time
without Change), 91 x 71, University of Arizona Art Gallery, Tucson Edward
Joseph Gallagher III Memorial Collection, S181; TP70, 23; University of
Arizona Museum of Art, Tucson, don Edward J Gallagher Jr., 1956, RP152; KS220,
257; PW252-53, 349.
423, Ajourer les étoiles
(The Stars in Open Work), 76 x 63,5, Estate of Mrs. Yves Tanguy, S181.
424, Parce que (Because),
61 x 52, Estate of Mrs. Yves Tanguy, S181; Williams College Museum of Art,
Williamstown, MA., Bequest of Kay Sage Tanguy, KY77, 103; KS82; PW287,
425, Suites illimitées
(Unlimitated Sequence), 98,5 x 81, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts,
Philadelphia, S182; KY79, 103; KM116, 235; RB192-193;
PW188, 346.
426, Les Transparents (The
Transparent Ones), 81 x 73,5, Dr. Dieter Keller, Stuttgart, S183; Tate Gallery,
London, KM120, 236; RB194-195; PW264, 349; JS59.
427, Reflet (Reflection),
15 x 25,5, Mr. and Mrs. Cass Canfield, New
York , S183; PW214, 347.
428, L'Étoile carrée (The
Squere Star), 40,5 x 33, Eugene Berman, New
York , S183; DM45.
429, Ce matin (This
Morning), 91 x 53, Marcel Duhamel, Mouans-Sarteux, Alpes Maritimes, S183; Collection
particulière (Private Collection), RB198-199; TP72, 23; RP150; KS218,
257; PW210-211, 347; DM44-45.
430, Le Cage du temps
(The Cage of Time), 20,2 x 25,5, Collection particulière (Private Collection),
S84; Collection particulière (Private Collection), AC206; KS87; PW218,
10. 431, Le Ciel traqué (The Hunted Sky), 98,5 x 81, Estate of Mrs. Yves
Tanguy, S184, S184-185 (Color Plates); The Menil Collection, Gift of
François and Susan de Menil, KY97, 103; KM122, 236; RB196-197;
TP69, 23; RP150-151; KS219, 257; PW202-203, 346; DM45; JS60.
11. 432*, Espace auditif (The Eloquence Space), c.25,5 x 23, S184.
12. 433, Changes, gouache, 43,5 x 33,5, S184; PW281, 350.
13. 434*, Avec le noir (With
Black), gouache, 29,5 x 45,5, S184.
14. 435*, Je ne vois que’elle (I See No One but Her), gouache, S184.
15. 436*, Ombres amères (Bitter Shadows), gouache, S184.
16. 437*, Feu volant (Flying Fire), gouache, 32,5 x 42,5, S184; GD,
17. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), 49,5 x 32.5, Collection particulière
(Private Collection), Courtesy Sotheby’s, RB200.
18. ***, Sans titre (Untitled), gouache, PW277, 350.
19. ***, Phrase sans fin (Phrase without end), object of new year
addressed to Marcel Jean by Yves Tanguy and Kay Sage, 9,5 x 7 x 3,4, Collection
particulière (Private Collection), AC218.
438, Monde proche (The
World at Hand), 31,5 x 25,5, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Jacobs, New
York , S185; Courtesy Herry Nahmad Gallery, London , RB202-203; PW275, 350.
439, Première clef (First
Key), 31,5 x 25,5, Alexander Berliner, New
York , S185; Collection particulière (Private
Collection), Courtesy Sotheby’s, RB204-205; PW281, 350.
440, Perspectives, 50,5 x
71, Hugh Chisholm, Jr., Hillsboro, Calif., S185; Daniel Fillipacchi, SD136-137,
178; Collection particulière (Private Collection), GM62-63; RB206-207;
PW224, 347.
441, Autour des monts
(Around the Mountains), 43 x 33, Estate of Mrs. Yves Tanguy, S185.
442, Par la forêt
(Through the Forest), 31 x 25,5, Estate of Mrs. Yves Tanguy, S185.
443, Hekla, gouache, 73 x
60, Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York, S186; Collection particulière (Private
Collection), Coutesy galerie Elvia Gonzalez, Madrid, AC206; RB200-201;
RP152; KS221, 257-258; PW196-197, 346; DM42; GD, no.23.
444, Mira, gouache, 75 x
61, Estate of Mrs. Yves Tanguy, S186; PW275, 350.
445*, Mars ouvert (March
Unconfined), 25 x 35,5, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Polak, Sarasota , Fla. ,
446*, Cercle des neuf
points (Circle of Nine Points), 63,5 x 76,2, S186.
10. 447, Dahna, gouache, 76 x 62,5, Pierre Matisse Gallery , New York ,
S186; PW198-199, 346; DM43.
11. 448, Askja, gouache, 74,5 x 64,5, Estate of Mrs. Yves Tanguy, S186;
PW199, 346.
12. 449, Thar, gouache, 63,5 x
48, Estate of Mrs. Yves Tanguy, S186; PW234, 348; GD, no.32.
13. 450*, Taal , gouache, S186.
14. 451*, Questionnaire, gouache, S186.
15. 452*, Soleil de sel (Sun of Salt), gouache, S186; GD, no.29.
16. 453*, Illilouette, gouache, S186; 6 1/2 x 24 1/2 in., GD, no.31.
454, Sans titre (Untitled),
gouache, 52,5 x 9, Richard Feigen, Chicago, S186.
c. 1953
455, Sans titre
(Untitled), gouache, S187; PW277, 350; PW287, 350.
456, Où es-tu? (Where Are
You?), 25,5 x 20, Estate of Mrs. Yves Tanguy, S187; PW283, 350; JS66.
457, Mirage le temps (The
Mirage of Time), 98,5 x 81, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, S188; AC212-213;
KY83,103; KM124, 236; RB208-209; RP154; KS222, 258;
PW278, 350; JS64.
458, Les saltinbanques
(The Saltimbanques), 43 x 33, Mr. and Mrs. Barnet Hodes, Chicago, S189, S192-193
(Color Plate); Richard L. Feigen, SD138-137, 178; GM64-65; KM125,
236; PW284-285, 350; JS66.
459, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown), 8,7 x 12,7, Mme Bernard Monnier, Paris, S189; PW286, 350.
460, Titre inconnu (Title
Unknown), 8,2 x 7,5, Estate of Mrs. Yves Tanguy, S189; PW286, 350.
461, Du Vert au blanc
(From Green to White), 98,5 x 81, M. et Mme. Jacques Gelman, Mexico , D. F., S190; The
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Collection Jacques and Natasha Gelman, RB210-211;
TP71, 23; RP154-155; KS223, 258; PW282, 350.
462, Multiplication des
arcs (Multiplication of the Arcs), 102 x 153, The Museum of Modern Art, New York , Mrs. Simon
Guggenheim Fund, S191; KY96, 103; AC214-215; KM127, 236; RB212,
214-215; RP156-157; KS224, 258; PW274-275, 350; JS67.
463, Nombres imaginaires
(Imaginary Numbers), 98,5 x 81, Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York, S192; Museo
Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid, AC213; KM129, 236; RB212-213;
KS32; PW272-273, 350; DM46-47.
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