· S: Pierre Matisse, Kay Sage (eds.), Yves Tanguy: Un recueil de ses œuvres / A Summary of His Works, Pierre Matisse, New York, 1963.
· AB: André Breton (ed.), Yves Tanguy, Pierre Matisse, New York, 1946.
· JS: James Thrall Soby (ed.), Yves Tanguy (exh.cat.), The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1955.
· GD: Exhibition of Gouaches and Drawings by Yves Tanguy, Pierre Matisse Gallery, 1963, unpagenated.
· DM: Daniel Marchesseau, Yves Tanguy, Filipacchi, Paris, 1973.
· PW: Patrick Waldberg, Yves Tanguy, André de Rache, Bruxelle, 1977.
· KS: Katharina Schmidt (ed.), Yves Tanguy (exh.cat.), Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, Prestel-Verlag München, 1982.
· TP: Patrick Waldberg, Tanguy: Peintures, L’Autre Musée, 1984.
· RP: Yves Tanguy: Rétrospective 1925-1955 (exh.cat.), Musée national d’art moderne, Centre Geoges Pompidou, Paris, 1982.
· DA: Dawn Ades (ed.), Surrealist Art, the Lindy and Edwin Bergman Collection, the Art Institute of Chicago, Thames and Hudson, 1997.
· VI: Victòria Izquierdo (ed.), Klee, Tanguy, Miró. Drei Annäherungen an die Landshaft (exh.cat.), Palais Liechtenstein, Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna, 2000.
· RB: René Le Bihan, Renée Mabin, Martica Sawin, Yves Tanguy, Palantines, Quimper, 2001.
· KM: Karin von Maur (ed.), John Brownjohn, John S. Southard (tr.), Yves Tanguy and Surrealism (exh.cat.), The Menil Collection (Houston), Hatje Canz, Ostfildern-Ruit, 2001.
· GM: René le Bihan et al., Yves Tanguy (exh.cat.), Galerie Daniel Malingue, Paris, 15 mai-12 juillet 2002.
· AC: André Cariou (ed.), Yves Tanguy: L’univers surréaliste (exh.cat.), Musée des beaux-arts, Quimper, Somogy, Paris, 2007.
· SD: Susan Davidson (ed.), Tanguy Calder: Between Surrealism and Abstraction (exh.cat.), L&M Arts, 2010.
· KY: Double Solitaire: The Surreal Worlds of Kay Sage and Yves Tanguy, Katonah Museum of Art, Katonah, The Mint Museum Charlotte, North Carolina, 2011.
01, for Pierre Mabille, "LE MIROIR DU MERVEILLEUX." |
02, Cahiers des dessins, le 24 mars, 1940 (Notebook of drawings, March 24, 1940), 6 x 4, Estate of Mrs. Yves Tanguy, S29. |
01, 30,5 x 24,5, Birger Raven-Skov, CHarlottenland, Denmark, KM160-161, 237. |
01, for André Breton, "VOLIERE," AC179. |
02, for André Breton, "VOLIERE." |
03, for André Breton, "VOLIERE," |
04, for André Breton, "VOLIERE," AC179. |
05, 28 x 21,3, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, RP128-129; KS236, 259. |
06, for André Breton, "VOLIERE," |
07, for André Breton, "VOLIERE," |
08, for André Breton, "VOLIERE," |
09, for André Breton, "VOLIERE," DM61. |
01, Untitled (Le Grand nacré au seuil de la nuit), 32 x 24,4, The Museum of Modern Art, 1942, RP135; KS238, 259; AB60. |
02, for "VIEW," 31,2 x 24,3, RP133; KS234, 259. |
03, for "VIEW," 31,4 x 23,8, RP132-133; KS234, 259. |
04, for "VIEW," 30,7 x 24, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, KM160-161, 237; KS235, 259. |
05, "A Julien," 40,4 x 30,3, Private Collection. |
06, 30,5 x 23,5, VI108, 166; GD unpagenated. |
07, "POUR JHON GOODWYN," 36,8 x 32,7, Private Collection, AC179; GM84-85; KM165, 237; VI110, 166; RP138; KS240, 260; GD unpagenated. |
08, 25,2 x 21,2, The Museum of Modern Art, RP136; KS237, 259.
09, 10 x 30,3, The Museum of Modern Art, RP136; KS233, 259. |
09, for "VIEW" vol.2, no.2, unpagenated. |
10, for "VIEW" vol.2, no.2, unpagenated. |
11, for "VIEW" vol.2, no.2, unpagenated. |
12, for "VIEW" vol.2, no.2, unpagenated. |
01, Untitled or Avoir voulu (Wanted), for "VIEW" 38 x 23,5, for Charles Henri Ford, "POEMES FOR PAINTERS,"
Collection David Ilya and Daria Brandt, New York, AC187; RP216; PW301-302; S210. |
02, 42 x 35,3, Private Collection, GM86-87; KM165, 237; VI112, 166; RP30; KS241, 260; S30-31. |
03, 34 x 24,4, VI113, 166; Privte Collection, New York, RP138; KS240, 260; GD unpagenated. |
01, PW332. |
01, 30 x 22,5, Private Collection, Turin, Courtesy of Galerie 1900-2000, Paris, KM163, 237; PW329. |
01, For André Breton, "YVES TANGUY," 28,5 x 23, Private Collection, AC181. |
02, 5,5 x 54, Private Collection, AC187. |
03, 30,4 x 22,7, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, RP138; KS240, 260. |
04, 10 5/8 x 10 1/2, GD unpagenated. |
05, for Exhibition, S195. |
06, 20 x 14 3/4 in., GD unpaginated. |
07, for Jean-Pierre Dieterlin, "MUSIQUE POUR ILLUSTRER DES DESSIN DE YVES TANGUY," "VRILLE" no.1, p.78. |
08, for Jean-Pierre Dieterlin, "MUSIQUE POUR ILLUSTRER DES DESSIN DE YVES TANGUY," "VRILLE" no.1, p.79. |
09, for Jean-Pierre Dieterlin, "MUSIQUE POUR ILLUSTRER DES DESSIN DE YVES TANGUY," "VRILLE" no.1, p.80. |
01, 19,1 x 15,9, VI120, 166; AB12. |
02, AB14. |
03, AB15 |
04, AB15. |
05, AB16. |
06, AB16. |
07, AB19. |
08, AB27. |
09, AB37. |
10, 28,6 x 21,6, VI100, 166; AB44. |
11, AB46. |
12, AB54. |
13, AB61. |
14, AB62. |
15, AB62. |
16, AB67. |
17, AB75. |
18, AB83. |
19, RP232; AB85. |
20, 28,6 x 21,2, VI101, 166; RP232; AB86. |
21, RP232; AB89. |
01, PW11. |
02, for Anna Balakian, "LITERARY ORIGINS OF SURREALISME," PW304; S212. |
03, 44,5 x 28,7, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, RP144-145; KS240, 260. |
04, for Benjamin Péret, "FEU CENTRAL," PW303. |
05, for Benjamin Péret, "FEU CENTRAL," PW303. |
01, 45,5 x 30,2, VI124, 166. |
02, Construction Fantasique (Fantasic Construction), 50,5 x 37,5, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1949, AC202; GD unpagenated. |
03, Yves Tanguy and Kay Sage dans leur studio (Yves Tanguy and Kay Sage in their studio), 54,6 x 69,8, Private Collection, AC203. |
04, 50,4 x 37,3, The Museum of Modern Art, RP146-147; KS242, 260; JS57. |
05, 20 x 14 3/4 in., GD unpagenated. |
06, 19 7/8 x 14 3/4, GD unpagenated. |
07, 22 1/8 x 28 1/4 in., GD unpagenated. |
08, 22 x 28 1/4 in., GD unpagenated. |
09, 18 x 12 in., GD unapagenated. |
10, 18 1/2 x 12 1/4, GD unpagenated. |
11, 20 x 14 3/4 in., GD unpagenated. |
12, 20 x 14 3/4, GD unpagenated. |
13, 18 1/2 x 12 1/4, GD unpagenated. |
14, Composition au trait rouge (Composition with Red Line), 56 x 74, Private Collection, AC202; GM88-89; KM166, 238. |
15, 50,5 x 37,3, The Lindy and Edwin Bergman Collection, DA233. |
16, for Exhibition at Galerie Nina Douset, RP225. |
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